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  1. Scams information hub March 2016.pdf

    Citizen Award” scam   Website scams Update: Protect Yourself from Bogus Websites      Santander useful website In the media Email scam costs couple £25,000         Age Cymru, Tŷ John Pathy,

  2. Power of Attorney

    effect if you lose mental capacity, or if you want someone to act on your behalf. You don't have to use a solicitor to create an LPA . The application forms from the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) contain ... fill them in online and phone the OPG helpline if you have any issues or concerns. If you want to use a solicitor , you'll need to pay them to complete the form for you. Fees for creating an LPA vary

  3. Spring 2022 Newsletter WELSH.pdf

    Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru wedi rhyddhau dau lyfryn ynghylch hawliau dynol pobl hŷn: “Making Rights Work For Older People” sydd ar gyfer arbenigwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol; a “Guidance on Understanding ... luniwyd yn ystod y chwe blynedd ddiwethaf. I weld yr arddangosfa, ewch i: www. 7Y cylchlythyr chwarterol Age Cymru Rhifyn Gwanwyn 2022 Gwiriadau ynni

  4. Newsletter Summer 2021 - Welsh.pdf

    Cymru Rhifyn Haf 2021 Creu gweithleoedd lle all pobl hŷn ffynnu Drwy fenter cynhwysiant oedran Age at Work, mae Age Cymru a’r rhwydwaith busnes cyfrifol Business in the Community Cymru (BITC) yn gweithio gyda ... recriwtio, cadw ac ailhyfforddi unigolion hŷn yn hanfodol i fusnesau a’r economi ehangach.” Mae Age at Work yn cynorthwyo busnesau i adnabod a mynd i’r afael â bylchau yn eu dull o fod yn gyflogwr cyfeillgar

  5. 05_Fantastic_Fox_Hat_DIGITAL.pdf

    stiches on either side to keep in place. ears: (make 2) note: I use the tapestry technique for the ears. If you are not confident using this technique, you can choose to crochet the ears in just orange ... orange) dc into all sts. [7] Fasten off and leave a long tail for sewing onto the head. making up: Use a sewing needle, stitch both ears onto the top of the body. These patterns are just ideas to get you

  6. Winter_Warmth_Impact_Report.pdf

    Excess winter deaths and morbidity and the health risks associated with cold homes. x Department of Work and Pensions (2012) Income Related Benefits Estimates of Take-up in 2009/10. xi Maidment, C., Jones

  7. Support groups and charities.pdf

    gyfeillgar Ymddiriedolaeth Terrence Higgins Elusen HIV ac iechyd rhywiol about-our-charity Sefydliadau’r cymunedau du, Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig BAWSO Sefydliad ledled

  8. Take Action Today-Poster English.pdf

    taking exercise • Look for a local strength and balance focused exercise opportunity such as Tai Chi using or contact Age Cymru on 02920 431 555 for other exercise opportunities Stay Safe

  9. Get winter ready with Age Cymru and Nest

    for you with free advice and support on what you should do to prepare for the colder months. Speak to us: our advice teams can talk to you in Welsh or English via phone, email and more. Share our Winter wrapped

  10. TV licence concessions

    TV programmes on any channel (including the BBC), or if you download or watch any BBC programmes using BBC iPlayer – whether that’s live on iPlayer, or watching downloaded content on a viewing device (such

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