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  1. Final WASP Charter.pdf

    rhag sgamiau a thwyll, ac i gynorthwyo dioddefwyr. Working together to help better protect people in Wales from scams and fraud, and to support victims. Gall cael eich sgamio neu eich targedu gan dwyll ... most vulnerable people in Wales. Scams target everyone and all of us could fall prey to them. At least 150,000 people in Wales are believed to be victims of scams each year. In general older people suffer

  2. Coivd-19 Survey_v2 ENGLISH.docx

    made on them.This surveywilltake15minutestocomplete.Yourresponseisanonymous.Thank you for your support in completing thissurvey.Lockdown A1. A2. During thelockdownsIwaspartofashieldedgroupDuring thelockdo ... nottosayOther,pleasestate:E6. Do you consider yourself to have a disability according to the terms given in the EqualityAct2010?Yes No The Equality Act 2010 defines a person as disabled if they have a physical

  3. 5 FAQ for Care home volunteers.pdf

    receive? You’ll be trained in essential subjects like Safeguarding and Dementia awareness. You’ll also receive specific training for taking part with the activities at the care home in this role. All training ... ----------- Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East

  4. Age Cymru Hope Project A5 Flyer (Web) FINAL + QPM BILINGUAL - updated Jan 24.pdf

    when you need it? • Be supported to say what matters to you and why? • Understand information about services or your rights? • Understand your options and choices? HOPE has trained independent Volunteer Advocates ... supporting you to be informed, heard and involved Are you aged 50+, or a carer of an older person, living in the community and have issues or concerns that you’re fi nding it diffi cult to resolve? If you think

  5. Technology_Together_Pilot_Evaluation-Survey_Findings.pdf

    g. Facebook, twitter) Of the 41 older people who responded, only single-digit number heard about it in person, by phone or through the post What motivated people? Older survey respondents Younger survey ... every older person who responded found the experience helped improve their understanding and confidence in use of computers and internet and feel more positive about themselves  Of those who responded all

  6. One_Digital_Phase_1_Evaluation-Insight_Report.pdf

    people and equip them with the skills and confidence to safely use digital technology. It was delivered in Leicestershire and Oxfordshire. The project engaged 95 intermediary organisations, recruited and ... technology to older people, supporting an older person on a one-to-one basis or leading or helping at drop-in sessions or extended support classes. Page 2 of 2 May 2016 Intermediaries are organisations that

  7. vaccine priority list.pdf

    Government priority order for the COVID-19 vaccination programme Priority groups 1 to 9 1. People living in a care home for older adults and their carers. 2. All those 80 years of age and older and frontline ... and people who are extremely clinically vulnerable (also known as the “shielding” group – i.e. people in this group will previously have received a letter from the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) advising them

  8. 7 Care home volunteer optional phone call.pdf

    Volunteer, confirm that you’ll update them on progress and to check their spam should they not hear in good time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... ------------Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, 1. Care Home introduction Volunteer

  9. Winter wrapped up

    warm, safe and well through cold weather. The guide also includes information on organisations and services you can contact for more advice and support. Winter wrapped up guide   Thank you to the Welsh

  10. big-knit-pattern---advanced.pdf

    knit’ guide at which will give you everything you need.) But if you’ve done a bit in the past, here’s a reminder of the main stitch. 1. Insert the tip of the right needle through the first ... needle. 3. Slip the old loop off the left needle to complete the stitch. Continue knitting stitches in this way until all the stitches on the left needle have been knitted onto the right needle

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