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  1. National organisations for older people

    being of pensioners. You can download a form to affiliate to NPC Wales as a group or as an individual at their website If you would like to contact NPC Wales please email ... people. Its main purpose is to ensure that older people’s forums and groups at a local level can have their voice heard at the national level and their views represented to Welsh Government and a range

  2. Contact the team

    touch with the project. Email the Carers Project If you want information and advice, please talk to us at Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303 44 98 available 9:00am to 4:00pm, Monday to Friday or send an email ,

  3. Dementia Advocacy

    independent of any other service people living with dementia use. This means the person with dementia will be at the heart of the decision making process, and we can support and represent them without any conflict

  4. Ways to reduce Council Tax

    Council Tax discounts – circumstances where a discount may apply, even though more than one person lives at the property; and the Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS) For more information call Age Cymru Advice

  5. AC_Flyer_ WEL_06_2021_2.pdf

    ond hoffem ni hefyd gofnodi meddyliau a theimladau preswylwyr ar yr adeg hon. Bydd hyn yn mynd tuag at adroddiad i Lywodraeth Cymru a allai helpu i lunio polisi gofal yn y dyfodol. Am fwy o wybodaeth e-bostiwch

  6. Spread the Warmth Myth-Busting leaflet - Welsh.pdf

    ac i weld a ydych yn gymwys i gael unrhyw gymorth ychwanegol. ‘Dydw i ddim yn gymwys i gael unrhyw help gyda fy nghostau gwresogi.’ Mewn gwirionedd, os byddwch yn gadael ffenestr eich ystafell wely ar agor

  7. Blue Badge Scheme in Wales - February 2019.pdf

    consistency in the application of discretionary criteria, we believe that more support is needed to help people that are applying for a Blue Badge. 5. We believe that more support for applicants, more consistency

  8. Age Cymru fundraising charter 2019.pdf

    objectives, in particular our safeguarding policies and work around protecting older people in their homes, we do not send our fundraisers to knock on people’s doors to ask for donations. We do not ask ... worried about an older friend or relative, don’t forget we have lots of information and advice to help, just give us a call on 08000 223 444. We will keep our fundraising practices under review and we

  9. Welsh Advocacy Newsletter Extra May 2020_.pdf

    yno'n help mawr, credwch chi fi. Apêl Frys yn sgil y Coronafeirws Yn anffodus, o ganlyniad i'r cyfyngiadau presennol rydym wedi gorfod gohirio nifer o'n gweithgareddau codi arian a allai arwain at brinder ... unrhyw un ymuno - yr oll sydd angen i chi ei wneud yw gofyn i ymuno â thudalen Facebook 'Moving on At Home' PPF a chewch yr holl gyfarwyddiadau yno. Gwasanaeth Eiriolaeth Gogledd Cymru - Ellen Williams Mae

  10. Count me In - December 2018.pdf

    these, or the costs of transport, are beyond them. This means that some people barely leave their home, resulting in chronic loneliness and what we increasingly understand to be the severe health impacts ... of improving creative and cultural provision in care homes across Wales. So far, Age Cymru has delivered artistic residencies in over 25% of care homes, not only in those that are privately owned, but also

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