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  1. RB_April16_age_friendly_banking_infographic.pdf

    vulnerability including short and long-term issues. Easy-access branches, accessible staff, mobile and shared-use branches. Quick pick-up by human operators. Careful listening and clear talking. Avoid upselling. Give ... paper-based instruments continue alongside new digital technology. Cheque imaging enables normal cheque use to continue while processing is digitised. Ensure information systems are designed well so that tasks

  2. Join Age Cymru's Older People's Network

    You can join our network of more than 600 older people and receive free email updates and information

  3. Envisage 2017 W.pdf

    times. So that older people thrive rather than merely survive, arts should have a higher priority in work with older people, starting off with recognising this in policy and resourcing, but then crucially ... alleviate loneliness among ‘the elderly’ at Christmas? Yet... such campaigns inadvertently encourages us to see them almost exclusively through the prism of vulnerability.’ Yn holl bwysig, mae’r clybiau yn

  4. Debt advice

    finances getting phone calls from unknown callers struggling to make ends meet avoiding activities they used to enjoy asking to borrow money. If you’ve noticed any of these signs or think someone you know

  5. Friend In Need Resource Welsh.pdf uk/en/coronavirus/ Grantiau ar gyfer gwaith / atgyweiriadau sylweddol - Turn 2 us, Porth y Cyn-filwyr Nyth - Ffoniwch 0808 808 2244 (Llun-Gwen 9am-6pm) neu ewch i ... ar eich hiniog • Ceisiwch gael cymaint o olau haul ag y gallwch our-work/health-promotion/summerhealth-advice/. • Gosodwch le i eistedd wrth ymyl ffenestr sydd â golau haul

  6. RB_April17_Top_Tips--Designing_Developing_Surveys.pdf

    -------------------------  Use clear and unambiguous language  Do not use abbreviations, jargon or technical terms (if possible, otherwise explain them)  Do not use leading questions – see example ... example  Do not include two or more questions within a single question – see example  Do not use double negatives – see example  Specify the time period or timeframe on which responses should be based

  7. Current Welsh Government guidance.pdf

    donating blood. • to avoid injury or illness. • travelling to and from work, but only where it’s not reasonably practicable to work from home. • visit a cemetery, burial ground or garden of remembrance

  8. Human Rights Toolkits WELSH V1.pdf

    Hawliau Dynol Prydain. A yw’r mater hwn yn ymwneud â hawliau dynol? Cynllun Cyflawni Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer y Strategaeth ar gyfer Cymdeithas ... Me Started’ Prosiect hawliau dynol ¦ Age Cymru ( https://www. Egwyddorion y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar gyfer Pobl Hŷn Egwyddorion y Cenhedloedd

  9. Commissioning IPA Toolkit Welsh Oct 19.pdf

    service continuity  Potential for more provider diversity  Can improve accessibility for people using services  Not as efficient in terms of cost and quality as Full Service  More attractive to larger ... Larger staff team can offer greater cultural diversity  Opportunities for partnerships/consortia working  Significant potential for economies of scale  ty of service Opportunities for staff to cross-train

  10. Age Cymru Creating an age friendly Wales W WEB.pdf

    Europe. 3 Office of National Statistics (2013) Labour Market Statistics Rhagfyr 2013. 4 Department of Work and Pensions. Older Workers Statistical Information Booklet 2012. 5 Llywodraeth Cymru (2014) Datganiad ... Profiadau pobl hŷn mewn ysbytai yng Nghymru 21 Department for Work and Pensions (2013), Households Below Average Income 2011/12. 22 Department for Work and Pensions (2012), Income Related Benefits: Estimates

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