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  1. Carers

    Third Sector Grant. The project will support the early identification of older carers to provide timely and person-centred information and advice, enable older carers to influence policy, service design

  2. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Visual_arts_W.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales Celfyddydau Gweledol Collage o luniau Dyma weithgaredd gwych i gael pobl i feddwl am eu gobeithion a’u dymuniadau. Mae cyfle iddyn nhw feddwl am y dyfodol neu greu breuddwyd ... hargraffu, a chasglu lluniau i’w defnyddio i wneud llun • Gall y preswylwyr wneud collage o’r lluniau, yn eu dangos yn gwneud y pethau mwyaf rhyfeddol! Gallai’r preswylwyr deithio i’r gofod mewn roced, reidio

  3. Carers Rights A4 Welsh.pdf

    fel gofalwr Rydych yn ofalwr di-dâl os ydych yn gofalu, neu sy’n rhoi unrhyw gymorth neu gefnogaeth i aelodau o’r teulu, ffrindiau, cymdogion neu eraill oherwydd salwch corfforol neu feddyliol hirdymor ... gennych yr hawl i: • dderbyn gwybodaeth, cyngor a chefnogaeth gan eich Awdurdod Lleol ynglŷn â gwasanaethau cefnogi megis cymorth ymarferol gartref, grwpiau cefnogi cyfagos, neu gwnsela i ymdrin â straen

  4. Blueprint for older people in Wales.pdf

    and 2031 and the number of people aged 75 and over is expected to increase by 24% during the same time frame.2 We need governments to take account of this demographic change and ensure that policies are ... decisions can be made that are damaging to them. As our population is ageing at a rapid speed, people are living longer. It is vital that all older people feel valued and included, and that society can fully

  5. Scams information hub February 2016.pdf

    turn to letters – warning Advice for Flood Victims: Bogus Trades People           Scams can have a devastating impact on older people’s health In the media Dementia sufferer, 84, conned into

  6. Welsh FAQ.pdf

    1 Cwestiynau Cyffredin i Wirfoddolwyr Cartrefi Gofal 1. A oes angen i mi fod wedi cael Brechiadau Covid-19? Gofynnwn i chi roi gwybod i ni pa frechiad(au) rydych wedi'u cael a phryd. Gallwch wneud hyn ... eich ffurflen gais. 2. A fydd angen i mi gymryd prawf Covid a gwisgo cyfarpar diogelu personol? Bydd. Bydd angen i chi gymryd prawf Covid cyn i chi fynd i mewn i'r cartref gofal. Bydd rheolwr y cartref

  7. AC_Flyer_ WEL_06_2021_2.pdf

    anodd iawn i chi i gyd. Bydden ni wrth ein bodd yn cysylltu â rhai o’ch preswylwyr i weld sut maen nhw’n ymdopi ar hyn o bryd, drwy Zoom. Mae cael sgwrs yn gallu bod o gymorth gwirioneddol i lesiant yn ... hyn yn mynd tuag at adroddiad i Lywodraeth Cymru a allai helpu i lunio polisi gofal yn y dyfodol. Am fwy o wybodaeth e-bostiwch Dyma’r ddolen i’n ffilm beilot a gymerwyd o leisiau’r

  8. 20190830 Together for Mental Health delivery plan consultation response.pdf

    wellbeing Healthy eating, being physically active, not smoking and only drinking alcohol in moderation can prevent or delay the onset of serious conditions such as heart disease and, in some cases, dementia ... co-morbid problems, the prognosis for their longterm condition and the quality of life they experience can both deteriorate markedly. In addition, the costs of providing care to this group of people are increased

  9. cARTrefu Newsletter September 2018 Welsh.pdf

    Cyhoeddi Arddangosfa cARTrefu! Dyddiadau i’r Dyddiadur: 2018     cARTrefu Medi 2018 Dewch i weld yr arddangosfa, Tachwedd 2018 i Ionawr 2019! Cwrdd â’r tîm newydd! Rydym eich angen chi ... Y gerdd Susan Kingman Pecynnau Gweithgaredd cARTrefu ar gyfer cartrefi gofal ar gael o hyd! I gloi... Y Rhwydwaith Diwylliant Oed-gyfeillgar Wythnos Positif am Oed

  10. CRS_Feb17_NICE_quality_standard_on_Multimorbidity.pdf

    live with multiple longterm conditions. Key points and recommendations Age UK’s detailed comments can be seen in the NICE proforma below. Key points from our response include:  Recognising the importance ... Quality Standard on medicines optimisation and making suggestions about how ‘inappropriate polypharmacy’ can be addressed.  Highlighting the need for the involvement of family and carers alongside patients when

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