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  1. Older People in Wales: facts and statistics

    Age Cymru's Older people in Wales: facts and statistics publication is a source of publicly available facts and statistics. This publication was produced by Age Cymru in partnership with Swansea University’s

  2. Friend in need

    aged 71 I really enjoy doing friend in need, Ken, is really pleased at receiving a call from me. The pleasure in his voice when he realises it's me is unmistakable. It makes me feel good to have made him ... that friend in need is so worthwhile. Remo aged 64 Initially I thought I was the one helping my Friend in Need but actually it's a two way process. My friend's attitude to life is inspirational. He has

  3. Nordic Walking

    Nordic Walking is one of Europe's fastest growing forms of physical activity and is a great way of staying healthy. You walk using a pair of specially designed, lightweight poles that provide additional ... 90% of your muscles increasing strength in your legs, arms, shoulders, chest and back. Nordic Walking is less tiring than normal walking and it can increase your heart rate by up to 13% meaning that you receive

  4. RB_July16_Older_people_and_internet_use_stats.pdf

    all age groups disabled people are less likely to us the internet than non-disabled people, and use is also linked to socio-economic factors.iv Gender Older women are less likely to be recent internet ... (47%) of men aged 75+ have recently used the internet compared to a third (33%) of women 75+.  There is a small difference among those aged 65-74 (76% of men compared to 73% of women).  There are no gender

  5. Final WASP Charter.pdf

    of scams each year. In general older people suffer twice the detriment that younger people do and it is estimated that older victims lose on average £1200 each. Some people are additionally vulnerable for ... Enforcement, access to justice and restoration We will • Ensure appropriate remedies and ongoing support is provided to victims of scams, including appropriate financial support to those who have lost money

  6. Age Cymru MMIYP - Welsh.pdf

    arni fel sail ar gyfer unrhyw benderfyniad neu weithred. Nid yw Age Cymru, Age UK, nac unrhyw un o’i is-gwmnïau, nac elusennau yn derbyn unrhyw atebolrwydd sy’n codi yn sgil ei defnydd. Ein nod yw sicrhau ... mlynedd o gyfraniadau i fod yn gymwys – os oes gennych rhwng 10 a 34 blynedd o gyfraniadau, cewch swm is graddedig na’r £221.20 a ddatganir uchod. Os cyrhaeddoch oedran Pensiwn y Wladwriaeth cyn 6 Ebrill

  7. Friendship call registration form.docx

    Age Preferred method of commu nication (Telephone or video chat?)Emergency contact name and number Is this a referral on behalf of someone else? If yes, do you have the permission of the person you are

  8. 20230420 Project Officer - Hope Project Gwent.docx

    closely with other members of the project team to ensure a high quality, timely and responsive service is provided to all older people and carers referred to it.Establish, develop and support the work of ... requirements to work evenings and weekends - these will be planned in advance.Notes: This role description is not intended to be exhaustive in every respect, but rather to clearly define the fundamental purpose

  9. CAP Regional Volunteer Officer North and Mid Wales - English.pdf

    user with the most appropriate volunteer while ensuring a high quality, timely and responsive service is provided. 9. Identify and attend relevant networks, publicise the Community Assistance Project, establish ... to work evenings and weekends - these will be planned in advance. Notes: • This role description is not intended to be exhaustive in every respect, but rather to clearly define the fundamental purpose

  10. Assist and Connect Volunteer Role Description.pdf

    meetings/Calls and comply with data protection regulations, ensuring that our service user information is kept secure and confidential. • adhere to all Age Cymru values, policies, and procedures. ... your time. With time credits you can enjoy fun activities - without spending money! The way they work is your Volunteering hours are ‘traded in’ for ‘Time Credits’ which can then be used by you on fun activities

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