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  1. IG48.pdf

    the better they’ll be able to support you. Talking to children and young people. Dementia can be difficult to explain to children and young people, and you may worry about upsetting them. Keep your explanation ... Society’s booklet Explaining dementia to children and young people (page 40). Alzheimer’s Research UK’s ‘Dementia Explained’ is a useful online resource for young people (page 40). 15 Counselling. You may feel

  2. RB_Dec15_The_end_of_formal_social_care.pdf

    Skewed Britain is no country for young men, Blog post for Resolution Foundation: media/blog/skewed-britain-is-no-country-for-young-men/ 2 Local government has tried

  3. CRS_March17_review_automatic_enrolment.pdf

    showed clearly, for example, that poor investment returns in the early years are likely to deter young savers, and NEST has therefore developed its investment approach to avoid such ‘shocks’. The Government ... date strongly suggest that the majority of eligible jobholders find the payment levels affordable. Young people in particular remain more likely to keep saving, with only 7 per cent of the under 30s opting

  4. RB_Dec14_I'm Still Me_UCLPartners_Age UK_National_Voices.pdf

    like categories. They help us make sense of the world and feel more comfortable. And so we have ‘young people’; ‘middle aged people’ and ‘older people’. These familiar categories automatically entreat ... label into clearer focus – not an alien being, but simply a human being who has lived longer. John Young National Clinical Director for Integration & Frail Elderly, NHS England; Honorary Consultant Geriatrician

  5. EnvisAGE16_ENG_web.pdf

    UK Page 9 The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on older people’s mental health and wellbeing – Sam Young, Age Cymru Page 13 The impact of caring on health in Wales – Claire Morgan and Jane Healey, Carers ... underlying factors that need addressing to help improve mental health support for older people. Sam Young of Age Cymru describes the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on older people’s mental health and wellbeing

  6. GCBH-The-Brain-Body-Connection-Report-Jul16.pdf

    of exercise can be used in middle age and older adults as a risk reduction strategy to delay the onset of: a. Cognitive decline b. Alzheimer’s disease c. Other dementias 5. Is there evidence for how

  7. RB_Oct15_Diversity_Dementia_Gearing_up.pdf

    African-Caribbean and South Asian UK populations is greater than the white UK population, and that the age of onset is lower for Black, African-Caribbean groups than the white UK population. Others point to possible

  8. Safeguarding older people - May 2021.pdf

    (such as depression or dementia), or alcohol or drug problems. Alternatively, it can indicate the onset of other illnesses. There are also additional types of abuse that may be a factor in relation to

  9. FS21w.pdf

    of 56  wholly occupied by people under the age of 18, or by students; or by a young ‘care leaver’ (i.e. a vulnerable young person who has been looked after by the local authority)3.  a self-contained ... students, student nurses, certain apprentices and certain trainees.  Anyone who is a young ‘care leaver’ (a vulnerable young person aged 18-24 who has previously been looked after by the local authority)

  10. Gwanwyn_bro_English.pdf

    not only for bringing all the communities together but also for building that bridge between the young and old generations. I saw an ad on CEEFAX, on television looking for Wales’ funniest over 50s. I’d ... created in Llandough, and a great privilege for me to be there. Your partnership with Age Cymru and the young artists are a great example of care which goes beyond good to excellent.” ‘‘ ‘‘ Arts and Health ‘‘

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