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  1. Hospital discharge arrangements for older people in Wales

    Leaving hospital

  2. Age Cymru - Final report - Supporting good mental health of older adults in care homes- March 2023 - Website.pdf

    ………………………………………………………………………… 6 7 8 ………………………………………………………………………… 9 10 ………………………………………………………………………… 11 12 13 14 ………………………………………………………………………… • • • • • 15 ………………………………………………………………………… 16 17

  3. Advocacy Newsletter November 2016 Cymraeg.pdf

    swyddogion awdurdodedig Tudalen 10 Hyfforddiant a digwyddiadau defnyddiol grŵp Tŷ Tudalen 11 Cyhoeddiadau defnyddiol ŵ A ydych yn gweithio â phobl hŷn? Mae Action on Elder Abuse Cymru yn cynnal

  4. Advocacy Newsletter September 2016 Cymraeg.pdf

    Cymdeithasol: Canllaw i Ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) (2014) Tudalen 11 Tudalen 12 Eiriolaeth yn y Ddeddf Rheoleiddio ac Arolygu Gofal Cymdeithasol (Cymru) 2016 

  5. How to trace lost money

    You may have policies or accounts you don't know about. This guide will show you how to trace lost assets.

  6. FS6w.pdf

    eligibility for service provision 10 3.5 If you have eligible needs 10 3.6 The care and support plan 11 4 How the local authority can help a carer – services for a family member or ... disability equipment or adaptations 38 10 Getting help from a charity or voluntary organisation 39 11 Welfare benefits that could help towards care costs 40 12 Problems and complaints regarding social

  7. Arts in Care Homes

    Age Cymru champion arts and creativity in care homes, and can support care homes, their staff and residents in a number of ways.

  8. know_your_energy_rights.pdf

    Tuck long curtains behind radiators so heat doesn’t get trapped. • Fit draught excluders around windows and doors in older homes. • Take control of your heating – using a room thermostat, programmer and

  9. Sign-up to receive a friendship call

    Sign-up to receive a friendship call

  10. FS48.pdf

    in a sheltered housing scheme but not personal laundry services ⚫ cleaning of communal areas and windows ⚫ minor repairs and maintenance (not major repairs and improvements - you may get help with interest ... week is added to her appropriate minimum guarantee. Age UK factsheet 48 April 2024 Pension Credit Page 11 of 30 Ground rent and other housing costs You can get help with other housing costs through PC including:

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