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  1. Survey March 2024 v6.docx

    ouabout the survey you can include your contact details at the end of the survey. You can also let us know if you want to get involved in our campaigns to make change for older people across Wales.Thank ... access information⬛ OtherA2.a. Do you use the internet?⬛ Yes⬛ NoA2.b. If yes, how do you accessthe internet? (Select any that apply)⬛ Own smartphone⬛ Own tablet/iPad⬛ Own laptop or desktop computer⬛ At

  2. RB_Dec15_Later_life_in_a_digital_world.pdf

    learn digital skills and benefit from using the internet. However there are many older people who do not use the internet and some are starting to feel disadvantaged in an increasingly digital world. In this ... falling with more people watching catch up TV or using subscription services. Technology is also affecting health and care services, where it can be used to support independent living and monitor health

  3. Age Cymru evidence to Health and Social Care Commitee open ended consultation September 2022.pdf

    14% of older people were waiting more than a month for an assessment in 2019/20 and nearly 30% didn’t have their care in place within 30 days of an assessment. We also found that there had been a reduction ... approaching social care during 2020/21. In meetings with social care leads as part of the research, they told us of the increased complexity of needs of people approaching them for help. We are therefore extremely

  4. Rail Franchise and the Metro - February 2017.pdf

    and that services, facilities and amenities are accessible to older people. Without these, there is an increased risk that isolation and loneliness will impact upon people’s well-being. 2.2 We believe ... We believe that it is important to take into account demographic factors and the likely impact of an ageing population in the design of rail services and facilities, and we have highlighted some issues

  5. Scams Team WASP conference Sept.pdf

    with an increased risk of clinical dementia in later life. Dementia makes people more vulnerable to scams. Proactive Prevention Partnership Collaborative working US Letter

  6. Glossary of online terms

    which are sent along with an email. Browser The computer software or app you use to access the internet. Examples include Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Safari. Hack An attempt to gain unauthorised ... ‘malicious software’. A general term used to refer to hostile or intrusive software. Operating system The software that manages different programs on a computer. Phishing An attempt at identity theft in which

  7. fit for the future project - Final Evaluation Report (Summary Booklet.pdf

    people living with at least one long-term health condition. A trained staff member or volunteer met with an older person and developed with them a personal, tailored plan to suit their health and wellbeing needs ... the depression. She got me cooking – the first thing was beans on toast. Then I cooked an egg. The we poached an egg. She got me going out, she made me walk to the [post] box, just up the road...We went

  8. Tell Me More Project Consent_ENG.docx

    residents about their thoughts and feelings and how things have been for them over the last year. To help us with our evaluation of the project we encourage a member of staff and residents to complete this consent ... any information co llected will be used for the outcomeso fthe projectincluding voice recordings and photographs.3. I agree that the information gathered could be used in a short film/animation describing

  9. A4 WG Manifesto singleA4 english.pdf

    organisations to work together in their local communities to create an Age Friendly Wales where no one has no one. Older people in Wales have told us they would seek to ease loneliness in local communities with: ... weekly phone call (58%) No one should have no one tackling loneliness and isolation in Wales Creating an age friendly Wales In delivering its commitment to develop a strategy to tackle isolation and loneliness

  10. Age Cymru Hope Project FAQs + QPM ENGLISH.pdf

    support and / or become Advocacy Ambassadors to promote awareness advocacy. HOPE supports people at an early stage in their issues or concerns to prevent them slipping into crisis. Advocates and professionals ... peer, group and citizen advocacy services. HOPE only delivers advocacy by trained volunteers and at an early intervention and preventative level. 9.Does HOPE duplicate services that already exist? We won’t

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