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  1. RB_June17_Jo_Cox_Loneliness_Booklet.pdf

    get out and become active again. For others, help to regain confidence in travelling on public transport after a fall may be the key. Other people may need more intensive interventions to re-engage through ... be able to think about what they can do to help themselves and act upon it. Key enablers such as transport and IT, as well as safe streets and public spaces, can make a significant difference to helping

  2. RB_Feb17_WB_Index_Indicators_with_Understanding_Society_definitions.pdf

    Satisfaction with the standard of local public transport Please tell me whether you consider your local area services to be excellent, very good, fair or poor? Public transport Have children Living relatives not

  3. Age Cymru’s vision for the 2021 Senedd elections.pdf

    Key issues raised relating to public transport were problems with physical accessibility to public transport, cuts to bus services, and a lack of public transport in rural areas. Whereas there are good ... Wales • Work with local authorities and community and public transport providers to support a sustainable, integrated and accessible transport network across Wales, to ensure that older people remain connected

  4. Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the first Covid-19 lockdown, and the road to recovery - October 2020 ENG.pdf

    closed last November and this has been the most inconvenient for people who have to rely on public transport to go to Cwmbran to go to the bank for reasons other than drawing cash’ Female, aged 75-79, Torfaen ... Wales during the first Covid-19 lockdown, and the road to recovery18 Transport Older people told us about the issues they had with transport during the lockdown, particularly regarding the reduction of local

  5. Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the first Covid-19 lockdown, and the road to recovery - October 2020 ENG.pdf

    closed last November and this has been the most inconvenient for people who have to rely on public transport to go to Cwmbran to go to the bank for reasons other than drawing cash’ Female, aged 75-79, Torfaen ... Wales during the first Covid-19 lockdown, and the road to recovery18 Transport Older people told us about the issues they had with transport during the lockdown, particularly regarding the reduction of local

  6. Winter 2023 v7.pdf

    our campaigns such as maintaining face-to-face banking services, developing sustainable public transport, improving hospital discharge services, and helping people to become more resilient to scams through ... is also problematic for those of you who do not own a car and are reliant on a dwindling public transport system. We also said excluding older people from financial services is bad for business as many

  7. RB_Feb17_AgeUK_Wellbeing_Index_Summary_web.pdf

    owner with a mortgage Higher intensity helping / caring (20+ hours) Satisfaction with local public transport Have children 6 Figure 1 illustrates that there are many contributing indicators, all of which have ... home ownership, and material resources; Local Covering satisfaction with medical, leisure, public transport and shopping services. The five domains 7 So what this tells us is that above and beyond all of

  8. Count me In - December 2018.pdf

    for diverse reasons, including retirement, bereavement, ill health, a lack of local services or transport and a poor physical environment. Currently over 100,000 older people in Wales are estimated to live ... people miss out on socialising or activities because even small charges for these, or the costs of transport, are beyond them. This means that some people barely leave their home, resulting in chronic loneliness

  9. are_you_listening_interactive.pdf

    For example, many areas identified the lack of transport. This identification then led to the development of voluntary car schemes that provide transport to GPs, hospitals, shopping trips and social activities ... for running costs. ESSA has a main committee and two theme groups: health and community care and transport and environment. These are the areas that were considered a priority by older people. The theme

  10. RB_Oct11_Delivering_The_Equality_Duty.pdf

    service areas 34 Health 35 Social care 36 Community safety and the justice system 36 Housing 37 Transport 38 Notes 39 Further reading 41 Delivering the Equality Duty • October 2011 2 Introduction The Equality ... includes local authorities, education bodies (including schools), health bodies, police, fi re and transport authorities and government departments. In this document, we will now refer to these organisations

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