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  1. RB_June16_Age_Friendly_Places_guide.pdf

    is a tool to support local dialogue in communities – with older people, decision makers and other key stakeholders – about the importance of ‘Age Friendly Places’, acting as a catalyst to prompt communities ... community does not support us to maintain meaningful social connections as we age. Councils have a key role to play in enabling communities to find new ways to maintain and manage health and wellbeing to

  2. CRS_March16_Mental_wellbeing_NICE_quality_standard.pdf

    quality standard?  Yes  No Key area for quality improvement Why is this important? Why is this a key area for quality improvement? Supporting information Separately list each key area for quality improvement ... onic-obstructive-pulmonary-disease-audit [Insert footer here] 2 of 9 Key area for quality improvement Why is this important? Why is this a key area for quality improvement? Supporting information pulmonary disease

  3. IG55.pdf

    Notes or some other prompt at eye level as you leave the house to remind yourself to pick up your keys and lock the front door. • If you’re worried about going out alone and being unable to find your way ... so you may want to consider using a jewellery box. 11 The bathroom. Not being able to get to the toilet when you need it can be very stressful. The bathroom is a space that gets used a lot so it’s important

  4. RB_Feb16_Older_people_and_power_loss_floods_and_storms.pdf

    are referred to throughout the report as ‘crises’.) This report poses and gives some answers to two key questions: 1. What specific risks do older people face before, during and after a crisis? For example ... care services. The broader emergency planning framework recognises that the voluntary sector has a key role. Finally, the Financial Conduct Authority – the financial industry regulator – is increasingly

  5. Parliamentary Review into Health and Social Care in Wales - April 2017.pdf

    secondary care. o Funding the third sector - the third sector is increasingly being recognised as a key partner in the realisation of an integrated health and social care service. Third sector organisations ... basic household tasks, such as laundry, and help with personal hygiene, including assisting with the toilet. 12. Sustained and appropriate funding will ensure that the services listed above remain able to

  6. Age Cymru Creating an age friendly Wales E WEB.pdf

    available in traditional formats has exacerbated difficulties in keeping informed and being able to access key services. A lack of access to online services also frequently means paying higher prices. Independent ... lead to falls • inadequate street lighting • a lack of seating in public spaces • a lack of public toilets • a lack of places to meet and reductions in the number of public facilities such as libraries

  7. Dec 2016 Safeguarding meeting - External.pdf

    person can be blurred. Characteristics of abuse in older people Throughout the session, a number of key points emerged on the characteristics of abuse in older people:  Coercive and control is more prevalent ... or cannot take action. Trust between the victim and social workers could overcome these issues. Two key challenges in adult safeguarding First, making sure that multi agency partners work well together

  8. RB_Feb16_Are_We_Ready_For_The_Next_Crisis.pdf

    are referred to throughout the report as ‘crises’.) This report poses and gives some answers to two key questions: 1. What specific risks do older people face before, during and after a crisis? For example ... care services. The broader emergency planning framework recognises that the voluntary sector has a key role. Finally, the Financial Conduct Authority – the financial industry regulator – is increasingly

  9. RB_2012_Falls_prevention_Dont_Mention_the_F_Word.pdf

    benefits. It is always better to start by stressing the benefits of improving strength and balance – a key intervention to reduce the risk of falling. Q What is the best way to persuade people to buy into ... start by stressing the benefits of improving strength and balance. Strength and balance training is a key intervention to reduce the risk of falling. Training can be given for this at home, in the community

  10. RB_Mar2014_ fear_of_Crime.pdf

    from a World Health Organisation survey of older people’s health and wellbeing in six countries. Key findings:  There are large national variations in rates of fear of crime  Older women and frail

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