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  1. Care Home Visiting profile - English - amended Dec 2021.pdf

    care home • Great experience for your CV, and work references if required 2 • Appreciation of mobility restrictions and how best to be able to support older people • understanding dementia and how it

  2. CRS_April12_OFT_remote_communities.pdf

    make food more accessible. Many local Age UKs run escorted food shopping services for those who are mobile enough to go out and do their own shopping but just need a little extra assistance with transport

  3. What matters to you.pdf

    from housing association/social landlord e Rent privately e Live in sheltered housing e Live in a mobile home (a caravan, a trailer or motorhome, a prefabricated bungalow) e Shared ownership/shared equity

  4. Community Calculator - English.pdf

    Pavements obstructed with parked cars, bins and street furniture restricted access for wheelchairs and mobility scooters. Problems with dog fouling and litter were also highlighted. • 22.9% of respondents rated ... services, very limited access to public toilets, anti-social behaviour and hazards for people with mobility issues add to the number who feel isolated and lonely’ (Community Calculator respondent) 4 Introduction

  5. What matters to you - Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales - October 2023.pdf

    surgery is only open 2 days a week and is short staffed. The main surgery is not accessible due to my mobility issues and their lift is out of order.” Some told us of difficulties in online systems not being ... Lives on hold create stress and poor mental health.” Others told us how poor mobility impacts their daily life: “I have mobility problems we have no bus service where I live.” We heard from those whose health

  6. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter May 2023.pdf

    physical activity. The Commission recently contributed to the newly launched Wales Coast Explorer mobile phone App to encourage people to get out and about and to get walking. Also to help them discover

  7. CRS_April14_Payment_Systems_Regulation.pdf

    current voices pushing for cashless society, and a focus on innovation based around digital and mobile devices. This is contrasted by the lack of attention paid to improving existing services even where

  8. RB_June16_Age_Friendly_Places_guide.pdf

    consumers, to volunteer, to work and as care givers. We will need to ensure that those who are less mobile or not online are not left behind. There is a growing recognition that too many of our communities ... better support people as they age. These can include physical design, promoting better access and mobility, promoting people’s social engagement and developing support and relationships between the generations

  9. RB_Sept16_Age_UK_Briefing_Transport_infrastructure.pdf

    a Sunday when you can’t go out. I mean you can’t even go to a church service.” Female, 75+, with mobility and sensory difficulties “I’ve got friends that will give us a lift if it’s a time where I need ... you know? You don’t like asking people all the time. I’d rather get there myself.” Male, 65+, with mobility difficulties “When the Olympic torch went through the next village they said ‘please come and

  10. Care Home Visiting profile - English.pdf

    care home • Great experience for your CV, and work references if required 2 • Appreciation of mobility restrictions and how best to be able to support older people • understanding dementia and how it

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