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  1. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    2012 Jan 1;33(6):604–11. 3 Department for Work and Pensions. Fuller Working Lives: a partnership approach. London: Department for Work and Pensions; 2017. 4 Trades Union Congress. Extending working lives ... eople 7 Centre for Ageing Better, Timewise. Inclusivity through flexibility: How flexible working can support a thriving, age-inclusive workplace. London: Centre for Ageing Better; 2020 Sep. 8 Centre for

  2. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    2012 Jan 1;33(6):604–11. 3 Department for Work and Pensions. Fuller Working Lives: a partnership approach. London: Department for Work and Pensions; 2017. 4 Trades Union Congress. Extending working lives ... eople 7 Centre for Ageing Better, Timewise. Inclusivity through flexibility: How flexible working can support a thriving, age-inclusive workplace. London: Centre for Ageing Better; 2020 Sep. 8 Centre for

  3. Gwanwyn Festival Art Trail

    call 029 2043 1576 Create a piece of artwork inspired by nature and whatever that means to you. You can do this individually or collaborate with friends In May, display your artwork in a window along with ... sticker Take a photo of your window and send it to us for displaying on our website, so other people can enjoy your work and go on a virtual tour of Wales’ most creative towns. Follow us on social media

  4. Information guides and factsheets

    the relevant topic. Our factsheets provide much more in-depth information.  On this page you can view our complete list of resources in numerical order - firstly our information guides, followed by ... advice, or you would like to request paper copies of any of our information guides and factsheets, you can call our advice line on 0300 303 44 98 (charged at local rate) to talk to someone or email us

  5. Forum Resource Manual

    Older people’s forums can influence a wide range of issues in their communities. We are encouraging older people to develop forums as a way to share views, develop local agendas and shape how communities ... guidance on how to campaign, provides advice on publicity, and how to engage with politicians. You can download a copy of the Forum Resource Manual or if you would prefer a hard copy, please call Kathy

  6. Warm Up Exercises.pdf

    Mobilisers – slow movements All of the following moves can be done in a standing or seated position. Fingers and thumbs  Finger to thumb o Press each finger to the thumb in turn, then reverse  Clench

  7. 20180816 RISCA advocacy services response.pdf

    service users can be involved in the governance and the development of the service. Guidance on Regulation 5 should require the service to state how it includes the views and opinions of people who may use ... complement each other and that the implications of one for the other are explained clearly to those who have to implement them. For example, the statutory guidance should make the scope of regulations clear

  8. CRS_Jan15_FCA_Cash_savings_market_study_report.pdf

    interest rates, it should be borne in mind that there is a significant minority of the population who cannot accurately convert an interest rate into a given sum of money, so interest rate information ... to be considered. Empirical tests have shown that there is a significant minority of the population who cannot accurately calculate a sum of money from an interest rate. In its 2006 Financial Capability

  9. Ageism

    because of your age. It can also include the way that older people are represented in the media, which can have a wider impact on the public’s attitudes. If you experience ageism, it can impact on your confidence

  10. Dental services for older people

    nothing wrong, it’s still important to visit your dentist regularly. If you’re on certain benefits you can receive free NHS treatment and may also be eligible for help through the NHS low income scheme . Our

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