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  1. CWTSH Keep yourself Safe and Well CUDDLE_- FINAL.pdf

    life, and damage your health. Talking about it and doing something to avoid it happening can make a difference. Keeping Safe and Active Are we staying active? Are we doing something simple every day, ... soles that stop us slipping? Keeping us Active, Healthy and Safe is surely worth a chat. Keeping us Active, Healthy and Safe is surely worth a chat. I fear falling or have fallen more than once. The risks

  2. RB_July15_Dementia_friendly_resources_guide.pdf

    Resource Guide has been compiled as a useful starting point for individuals and organisations that are interested in working to become dementia friendly. The guide also has a wide range of links and resources ... requested and used as part of the programme. 2 3 Age UK documents, reports and guides Age UK has produced a range of documents linked to the Dementia Friendly Programme which can be found here:

  3. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Ethnic_minorities_Gypsies_and_Travellers.pdf

    census was Gypsies / Irish Travellers with 57,680 individuals in England and Wales. [Table 2] This is thought to be an under-estimate, because of enumeration problems, with alternative estimates placing ... Eastern and Central Europe. In 2012 there were estimated to be 194,000 Roma in England and Wales with a further 3,000 in Scotland. The most common countries of origin for Roma are Romania, Slovakia, the Czech

  4. RB_Nov17_community_transport.pdf

    are over 65 years old and 68% of users are Community Transport is not just vital for getting older people from A to B but also to help older people increase their wellbeing, attend medical ... community transport providers, then all volunteer drivers for those organisations affected would need a Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (Driver CPC licence). This would require them to spend

  5. Clare Lucas.pdf

    arrangements • Arrangements can be authorised for enabling the care or treatment of a person (aged 16+) that give rise to a deprivation of liberty oCan be in any setting & multiple settings oCan include means ... liberty • LPS code must be reviewed after 3 years & reviewed every 5 years Who is the Responsible Body? • If arrangements are mainly carried out in an NHS hospital, the “hospital manager”

  6. Advocacy Services in Carmarthenshire.pdf

    health act, under guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right to an IMHA (Independent Mental ... If not, are they facing serious medical treatment, a safeguarding concern or DoLS? Or does their RPR need support in their role? If so, they have a legal right to an IMCA (Independent Mental Capacity

  7. Advocacy Services in Ceredigion.pdf

    health act, under guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right to an IMHA (Independent Mental ... want support with care and support planning, assessment, review, or safeguarding ? If so they have a statutory right to an IPA. (Independent Professional Advocate) 3 CIPA 0800 2061387

  8. cap-volunteer-support-officer-lc-2023 (1).pdf

    Responsibilities: 1. Implement the volunteer recruitment plan. 2. Process all volunteer applications in a timely and professional way, taking the prospective volunteers through the recruitment process. 3. ... received, match the service user with the most suitable volunteer while ensuring a high quality, timely and responsive service is provided. 6. Maintain accurate and up to date records utilising our case management

  9. Karen Wakelin Sharon Cole.pdf

    gyfer iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol a gofal plant gan Cymwysterau Cymru • Cyfres newydd wedi’i chomisiynu • Bydd Lefel 2 a 3 yn cael eu haddysgu gyntaf ar ôl mis Medi 2019 • Bydd Lefel 4 a 5 yn cael eu haddysgu ... blant a phobl ifanc i fanteisio ar eiriolaeth • Wedi’i gynnwys mewn unedau ymarfer eraill e.e. Gweithio â phlant a phobl ifanc sy’n derbyn gofal • Uned benodol yn y cymhwyster lefel 5: Arwain a Rheoli

  10. RB_May12_Health_care_quality_report.pdf

    LIFE Improving quality of prevention and treatment through information: England 2005 to 2012 MAY 2012 A report from the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry Ageing Research Group for Age UK Authors: ... Later Life: Improving quality of prevention and treatment through information - England 2005 to 2012. A report from the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry Ageing Research Group for Age UK. PCMD /

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