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  1. 20230814 Dementia Advocate job description - Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan.pdf

    affect them. 3. To manage an individual case load of service users, maintaining professional standards at all times. 4. To be aware of safeguarding concerns and signs of abuse, always following the appropriate ... Advocacy Project at meetings, networking events and stakeholder engagement opportunities. 10. To always work with the values of Age Cymru in mind and represent these values professionally at al times. Person

  2. 20230814 Dementia Advocate job description - Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan.pdf

    affect them. 3. To manage an individual case load of service users, maintaining professional standards at all times. 4. To be aware of safeguarding concerns and signs of abuse, always following the appropriate ... Advocacy Project at meetings, networking events and stakeholder engagement opportunities. 10. To always work with the values of Age Cymru in mind and represent these values professionally at al times. Person

  3. Advocacy Services in Torfaen.pdf Do they lack capacity and have no appropriate family / friends to consult? If not, are they facing serious medical treatment, a safeguarding concern or DoLS? Or does their RPR need support in their ... Independent professional advocacy for CYP who are on the CP register,LAC, CIN or Care Leavers 0808 808 1001 NYAS / ABHB Health Advocacy Service provides advocacy to CYP under 18 who wish to raise a

  4. Falls Prevention Guide - for Carers-Welsh FINAL.pdf

    tebygol o gwympo eto, gyda risg cynyddol o anaf Mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn dweud, yn flynyddol hyd at 2026 y bydd: • • 132,000 o bobl hŷn yn syrthio fwy nag unwaith yn eu cartref eu hunain • • ... y dydd yn cynyddu tebygrwydd cwympiad gan 18%, gan 50% ar gyfer 10 meddyginiaeth. Ar ôl 50 a hyd at 70 oed, mae’r corff dynol yn colli 30% o nerth cyhyrau, a chaiff hyn ei waethygu gan ddiffyg gweithgaredd

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    Read Age Cymru's policy on using cookies, including a list of cookies we use on our website.

  6. Advocacy Newsletter Dec 2019 - Eng SM.pdf

    Awareness Media Clips. Voiceability has produced this resource guide for advocates STOMP which looks at overmedication in groups of vulnerable people. Golden Thread Advocacy Programme (GTAP) has produced ... document. Age Cymru Resources A guide to different types of advocacy A guide to advocacy and how it can help you Framework for commissioning independent professional advocacy for adults. Age Cymru has launched

  7. Spring 2022 Newsletter WELSH.pdf

    falch iawn fod Age Cymru wedi derbyn gwobr Marc Ansawdd Perfformiad Eiriolaeth yr NDTi, sy’n tynnu sylw at yr ansawdd arbennig o gefnogaeth a ddarperir gan dimau Eiriolaeth Age Cymru. Mae’r ansawdd hwn yn ... nid ydyn nhw’n ei hawlio. Felly, cofiwch wirio hyn ac annog eraill i wneud yr un peth. Wrth agosáu at y Gwanwyn, rydym unwaith eto’n gweithio gyda’n partneriaid yn y sefydliadau cenedlaethol ar gyfer pobl

  8. Age Cymru - Beth sy’n bwysig i chi - Gorffennaf 2024.pdf

    Nghymru 4 Mynediad at ofal iechyd 4 • Cyrraedd apwyntiadau meddygol 6 • Mynediad at feddygfeydd ac apwyntiadau meddygol 9 • Mynediad at driniaeth a gwiriadau parhaus 10 • Mynediad at weithdrefnau llawfeddygol ... llawfeddygol a gofal cleifion mewnol 11 • Mynediad at wasanaethau deintyddol 12 Mynediad at ofal cymdeithasol 13 • Yr heriau - pobl sydd angen gofal cymdeithasol 18 Heriau presennol 20 • Effaith ar lesiant

  9. CRS_June12_No_fault_dismissal_in_micro_businesses.pdf

    but in fact the business case is clear that job security is important for individual employees, helping them work more productively. • Removing dismissal protection could undermine the abolition of the ... that reductions in regulation only have an impact on growth in countries which are highly regulated at the outset of such policies.i However, as the call for evidence paper points out, the UK already has

  10. cARTrefu Newsletter January 2018.pdf

    cARTrefu, Age Cymru’s arts in care homes project, will continue arts residencies until Spring 2019. Age Cymru launches free cARTrefu Activity Cards for care homes cARTrefu January 2018 cARTrefu

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