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  1. Advocacy network

    To create partnership opportunities for members to work together. To be inclusive and open to all who meet the membership criteria. The network meets virtually at present and if you are a provider of advocacy

  2. Survey Outline Covid 19 v4.docx

    During the lockdown I was part of ashieldedgroupYes No A2. During the lockdown I lived with someone who waspart of a shieldedgroupYes No A3. During the lockdown I wasselfisolatingYes No A4. IlivealoneYes

  3. RB_April17_Top_Tips--Designing_Developing_Surveys.pdf

    get the focus right  Pre-test / Pilot the survey or questionnaire with a small number of people who are likely to be representative of the target group to understand how they interpret the questions

  4. RB_July14_Access_all_ages_2.pdf

    in receiving treatment they need; we want to support commissioners to take steps to ensure patients can access surgical interventions on the basis of clinical need, regardless of age. As individual doctors ... have referral policies in place that might unfairly restrict access for older patients and how they can support local clinicians to make the most objective assessment of patients’ needs. We urge CCGs to

  5. RB_Oct15_Age_UK_almanac.pdf

    conditions and syndromes which are representative of the older population as a whole (meaning those who visit GP practices and/or are attended by GPs). By using a large anonymised sample of records from ... occur together. Despite the many needs of the oldest old, there are no previous studies that we can compare our results to directly. Local studies using groups of older volunteers – e.g. the Newcastle

  6. CRS_March16_Updating_the_NHS_Constitution.pdf

    following wording for staff: ’You should aim to provide all patients with safe care, and to do all you can to protect patients from avoidable harm.’ (Annex 2, Change 12). Do you agree? Yes, and I have no further ... skills to protect all patients from avoidable harm. We know, for example, that hospital admissions can be particularly disturbing for people living with dementia, increasing their risks of falling, wandering

  7. CRS_Oct13_Housing_standards_review.pdf

    possible cost implications. Despite this we believe a universal approach is affordable (see below) and can be justified by the long term social and economic benefits of improving adaptability, in the context ... how far improvements in home design, combined with the effective deployment of assistive technology, can help to reduce demand on health and social care resources by allowing more of us to live independently

  8. NW Instructor volunteer 050716.pdf

    chance for you to go on to deliver ongoing Nordic Walking courses in your local area to those people who have expressed an interest in Nordic Walking. Age Cymru will provide you with support via your dedicated

  9. Autumn 2022 Newsletter WEL.pdf

    linell gais Credyd Pensiwn ar 0800 99 1234, neu ewch i how-to-claim. Gallwch chi hefyd gysylltu â Chyngor Age Cymru. Os hoffech chi

  10. RISCA advocacy services - August 2018.pdf

    service users can be involved in the governance and the development of the service. Guidance on Regulation 5 should require the service to state how it includes the views and opinions of people who may use ... complement each other and that the implications of one for the other are explained clearly to those who have to implement them. For example, the statutory guidance should make the scope of regulations clear

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