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  1. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in _older_age_Disability.pdf

    Agenda Minister for Disabled People; Disability on the Agenda (1996) Disability Discrimination Act information pack, London: Issued on behalf of the Minister for Disabled People (April) Molloy D, Knight T

  2. CRS_May16_decc_warm_house_discount_scheme.pdf

    rebate on customers’ gas accounts? No. But from the perspective of making it simple for advisers to inform householders about the scheme, the presumption should remain that it is associated with the electricity

  3. Gwanwyn_bro_English.pdf

    Gwyn passed away in April 2016 and we would like to honour his life and work by sharing his poem, written when he was the National Poet of Wales in 2007. There are some of us, at sixty, Who are tempted

  4. Community Calculator - Welsh.pdf

    Angen hyrwyddo gweithgareddau yn well. 13 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Number of respondents Information and advice Excellent 9-10 Good 7-8 Fair 4-6 Poor 0-3 Gwybodaeth a chyngor Sylwadau dethol • Yn

  5. RB_March14_Age_and_productivity_briefing.pdf

    medical evidence on ageing and work: in Section 4 we look directly at productivity. For detailed information on the medical impact of ageing in relation to work, two existing literature reviews are essential

  6. Age Cymru Creating an age friendly Wales W WEB.pdf

    Market Statistics Rhagfyr 2013. 4 Department of Work and Pensions. Older Workers Statistical Information Booklet 2012. 5 Llywodraeth Cymru (2014) Datganiad Hawliau ar gyfer Pobl Hŷn yng Nghymru. 6 Age

  7. CRS_Jan15_Draft_Flood_Risk_Management_Plans.pdf

    could have face-to-face meetings with support from Age UK staff. Staff also supported people by informally representing them to insurers/brokers, starting the conversation on their behalf, negotiating down

  8. Human Rights Toolkits WELSH V1.pdf

    Lansio Datganiad o’r Hawliau i Bobl Hŷn yng Nghymru (16 July 2014) | GOV.WALES Pecyn cymorth ymgyrchu ‘It’s About Rights’

  9. Envisage 2017 W.pdf

    Rogers, Joseph Sharit, Arthur D. Fisk, Chin Chin Lee and Sankaran. “The Personalized Reminder Information and Social Management System (PRISM) Trial: Rationale, Methods and Baseline Characteristics.” Contemporary

  10. CRS_Sept16_UPR-submission.pdf

    publicly funded social care in the past are no longer eligible, meaning those without access to informal care or who can’t afford to pay are being left to struggle on alone, with consequent risks to their

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