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  1. RB_Oct12_Age_Disc_Reg.pdf

    1 Ban on Age Discrimination in Services After many years of campaigning by Age UK, its predecessor organisations and many of our partners, a ban on age discrimination in services (including the provision

  2. CRS_Aug17_cqc_next_phase_of_regulation_consultation_2.pdf

    written materials and individual enquiries by telephone, letters, emails and face to face sessions. We work closely with Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland. Local Age UKs are active in supporting and advising ... comes to proposals around monitoring quality, it will be important to ensure that all stakeholders work in partnership when concerns emerge. Care Act and NHS Continuing Healthcare reviews as well as safeguarding

  3. Autumn 2022 Newsletter WEL.pdf

    oedran yn y gweithle trwy’r rhaglen Age at Work, mewn partneriaeth ag Age Cymru. Mae’n cael ei ariannu gan Gronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol. Trwy Age at Work, mae Busnes yn y Gymuned yn helpu cyflogwyr ... sy’n creu gweithleoedd cynhwysol, aml-genhedlaethol lle gall gweithwyr o bob oed ffynnu. Mae Age at Work yn RHAD AC AM DDIM i gyflogwyr o bob maint a phob sector ac mae’n darparu cyfres o declynnau, cefnogaeth

  4. Newsletter welsh v4.pdf

    gefnogi gweithwyr hŷn Er gwaethaf y cyfyngiadau a gyflwynwyd yn sgil Covid 19, mae’r rhaglen Age at Work, a ddarperir mewn partneriaeth rhwng Busnes yn y Gymuned Cymru ac Age Cymru, yn parhau i gefnogi unigolion ... digon o incwm, cadw mewn cysylltiad a mwynhau bywyd gwaith mwy cyflawn. Ym mis Mehefin, creodd Age at Work arolwg syml wedi’i ddylunio i’w gwblhau gan bobl 50 oed neu hŷn sydd wedi, neu a fydd yn y dyfodol

  5. Winter 2021 Newsletter v3.pdf

    weekly friendship call, rekindled the Welsh language for Muriel. And we hear about some fantastic work from our Age Cymru partners, with Age Cymru Powys offering free home energy checks while Age Cymru ... beloved mother who only ever spoke in Welsh to Muriel, while others moved out of the village to find work. Eventually she was the only one of the original Welsh speakers left in the village and so she now

  6. Keeping well at home.pdf

    favourite song and dancing, undertaking housework with a bit more gusto, or finding a workout that works for them. There are a variety of exercises that can be done from home for all abilities. Below are ... exercise/physical-activity-guidelines-olderadults/ Age Cymru Tai Chi Home Programme Age Cymru has made their tai chi work available free of charge online: If they aren’t shielding, the person you’re

  7. Community_Energy_Programme_Evaluation_Report-Summary.pdf

    hold  Funding energy-related services for two winters is important to establishing a service that works more effectively based on learning through delivering, it provides greater justification for cost

  8. CRS_May17_Provision_support_adult_carers.pdf

    are less likely to provide personal care. However, they are more likely to be combining care with work, childcare and other responsibilities (Carers UK, 2015), and therefore more likely to experience carer

  9. CRS_June16_JCHR_inquiry_Business_and_Human_Rights_submission.pdf

    everyone make the most of later life. We believe in a world where everyone can love later life and we work every day to achieve this. We help more than 5 million people every year, providing support, companionship

  10. CRS_June16_Ofcom_broadband_USO.pdf

    should the USO be reviewed? (1.32) 22. The review process should look at the extent to which the USO works for ‘vulnerable’ and newly online households, as well as ‘typical households’. 6 23. The review ... the extent to which providers are delivering speeds as advertised. (We are aware of ongoing Ofcom work on this issue.17) One idea could be to oblige providers to give consumers a report on the speeds actually

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