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  1. One network, one timetable, one ticket - June 2022.pdf

    Government: One network, one timetable, one ticket: planning buses as a public service for Wales June 2022 Q1: Do you agree that change is required in how we deliver bus services to meet the needs of Wales’ ... (pre-pandemic) were problems with physical accessibility to public transport, cuts to bus services, and a lack of public transport in rural areas. The need for more direct bus routes to health services was

  2. Falls Awareness Week 2022 FINAL.pdf

    struggle with your feet and toenails, or worn footwear? Do you struggle with your eyesight, or to maintain a healthy diet, or worry about the side effects of your medication? We are here to help you just to Talk ... Whether you are an individual, a family member or friend or whether you are someone providing a service and want to focus on health and wellbeing, why not do something that can make a difference in helping to

  3. RB_Feb17_The_Health_and_Care_of_Older_People_in_England_2017.pdf

    of Older People in England briefing from Age UK. The report aims to shine a light on how the system of health and care is working for older people in this country at the moment using the best, most authoritative ... wherever this is so it is clearly indicated in the text. Being able to know that we will receive health and care if and when we should need it matters to all of us, at any age, but it is all the more

  4. Contact the team

    to hear about your experiences and insights. Whether you look after a family member, a friend or a neighbour, your voice matters and is important to us. Below are details of how to get in touch with the

  5. Support groups and charities.pdf

    Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road ... charities As part of being a ‘Friend’ you could help the person you’re supporting connect with support groups that are relevant to them. This could help them get support for a health condition or help them

  6. The Blue Badge Scheme in Wales: Age Cymru welcomes the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee report

    Age Cymru is very pleased that, in its report on the Blue Badge scheme in Wales, the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee largely agrees with our views on the operation of the discretionary ... Government should undertake a review of the eligibility criteria for a blue badge, to consider whether there are further conditions which should automatically qualify a person to receive a blue badge, and whether

  7. RB_Sept10_short_term_protection_long_term_vision.pdf

    briefing makes the case for: • Building the effects of demographic change into budgets • Developing a more strategic approach to ageing and improved cross-sector and crossdepartment coordination • Protecting ... of the cuts to local government spending. Many councils are already working hard, in anticipation of a severely reduced settlement, to make efficiency savings and re-align and re-focus services. Others,

  8. Advocacy Services in Powys.pdf

    under guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving assessment or treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right to an IMHA (Independent ... If not, are they facing serious medical treatment, a safeguarding concern or DoLS? Or does their RPR need support in their role? If so, they have a legal right to an IMCA (Independent Mental Capacity

  9. Age Cymru response LGBTQ+ Action Plan consultation October 2021_.pdf

    Plan October 2021 1. Do you think the Action Plan will increase equality for LGBTQ+ people and what do you think the priorities should be? Age Cymru welcomes the development of the LGBTQ+ Action Plan ... actions to reduce barriers to accessing public services that LGBRQ+ people face. In practical terms this is the area over which Welsh Government has influence and the ability to make changes sooner than in seeking

  10. CRS_Dec14_EHRC_Legal_Strategy.pdf Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 2 ... welcome the publication of the draft strategy and the opportunity to comment on the proposals. As a member of the Equality and Diversity Forum, Age UK supports the response which the Forum has submitted

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