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  1. HOPE WELSH Advocacy Newsletter Jan 2021.pdf

    nesaf o gyfarfodydd rhwydweithiau rhanbarthol a fydd yn digwydd dros Zoom neu Teams: National Network 21/1/21 10am - 12pm Cwm Taf Morgannwg 25/1/21 2pm – 3.30pm Gwent

  2. Conversation resource - English.pdf

    like to go out? • Give space for your conversation partner to respond, don’t rush to fill the silence • Read the mood of your conversation partner as best you can and respond sensitively, especially ... age friendly Wales Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Experiment at home Try sitting with your conversation partner and • Talk to each other for a minute with your eyes closed • Silently look into each other’s eyes

  3. Technology_Together_Pilot_Evaluation-Survey_Findings.pdf

    classes or events only one older person respondent had never previously used technology  After completing the classes or event (i) up to 6 older people remained uncomfortable with aspects of using a computer

  4. LIFT volunteer 050716.pdf

    Approachable, friendly and professional  Smart appearance  Enjoy working with the public  Be able to complete basic paperwork  Driving license and access to a car would be desirable  Good IT skills are desirable

  5. Abbey_Dash_Notice_2017_S16A_Notice.pdf

    at Legal Services, Reception Desk, Civic Hall, Calverley Street Leeds 1 (Ref: A76/RAHardy/Development Team). All communications with regard to this Notice should be addressed to the City Services Department

  6. GE 2019 manifesto - Welsh - Final version.pdf

    newidiadau eleni yn rheolau Credyd Pensiwn sy’n golygu na all cyplau oed cymysg hawlio nes bod y partner ieuengaf yn cyrraedd ei SPA • gwneud twyll yn flaenoriaeth genedlaethol, gyda’r adnoddau i gyd-fynd ... Wladwriaeth) yn golygu gall rhai cyplau sydd â bwlch oed o bum mlynedd neu fwy golli £35,000 erbyn y bydd y partner ieuengaf yn cyrraedd SPA • amcangyfrifir bod 56,000 o gartrefi yng Nghymru gyda pherson hŷn yn byw

  7. Unpaid carers.pdf

    able to care for those they look after at any point in the future. You could support the carer to complete this plan so you’re aware of the support needed. For further information on creating an emergency

  8. Final WASP Charter.pdf

    amddiffyn y cyhoedd neu eich cwsmeriaid rhag sgamiau a thwyll, byddem yn falch clywed gennych. Founding partners Produced by Age Cymru on behalf of Wales Against Scams Partnership © March 2016

  9. RB_Dec13_Roundtable_is_it_too_late_to_save.pdf

    Age UK Financial Services Commission Roundtable discussion: is it too late to save? Thursday 5 December 2013 2 There are three key challenges to overcome in assisting Generation R (ages 50 – 64) to focus ... Disclaimer This document has been prepared by BlackRock for the benefit of the Age UK Financial Services Commission and is not intended to or should be relied upon as a forecast, research or investment

  10. Age Cymru Hope Project A5 Flyer (Web) FINAL + QPM BILINGUAL - updated Jan 24.pdf

    when you need it? • Be supported to say what matters to you and why? • Understand information about services or your rights? • Understand your options and choices? HOPE has trained independent Volunteer Advocates

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