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  1. IG49.pdf

    claiming Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment, you’ll continue to get these after you reach State Pension age. If you’ve been asked to claim AA instead of your current benefit, contact ... AA application form. Here are some examples of things to consider. Washing, bathing and looking after your appearance. Do you need help getting in and out of the bath or shower, adjusting shower controls

  2. CRS_Jan17_CMA_Market_Study_of_Care_Homes_Statement_of_Scope.pdf

    CMA is carrying out a market study into care homes for older people, to review how well the market works and if people are treated fairly. This consultation is inviting comments on issues raised in the CMA’s ... this has on the functioning of the care home market. The CMA should also consider how the market works for older people who receive some local authority funding, but who have to pay extra ‘top ups’ to

  3. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy October 2023 Final.pdf

    internship in Bristol. I would absolutely recommend volunteering for the HOPE Project. The work is rewarding, the opportunity for personal development is second to none, and the impact you have ... range of regional advocacy provider networks have been developed across Wales to complement the work of the National Network for Adults Advocacy in Wales. The networks are an opportunity for services

  4. CRS_Dec11_Building_mutual_post_office.pdf

    consumers have a part to play in shaping the direction of the Post Office. There needs to be more work to understand the best way consumers can be involved. The consultation document notes that the Post ... communities about the future of the Post Office should also need to be part of the way the mutual would work. The list of consumers and producers listed in the consultation document seems appropriate. There

  5. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter October 2023 Final.pdf

    internship in Bristol. I would absolutely recommend volunteering for the HOPE Project. The work is rewarding, the opportunity for personal development is second to none, and the impact you have ... range of regional advocacy provider networks have been developed across Wales to complement the work of the National Network for Adults Advocacy in Wales. The networks are an opportunity for services

  6. CRS_May16_decc_warm_house_discount_scheme.pdf

    The charity was substantially involved in the design of the original scheme, which on the whole has worked well for older people. Our main concern is that with the strong encouragement for consumers to ... poverty. Looking to the scheme from 2017 onwards, there is a case for encouraging energy suppliers to work more imaginatively with partners, including local authorities and health authorities, and to adopt

  7. CRS_Jan12_rural_policy_functions.pdf

    Rural proofing Age UK believes the three initiatives set out above will provide a foundation for the work of the new unit. In particular, all policy from all levels of government that may have an impact on ... community broadband services). Social isolation The consultation document did not refer to the ongoing work of the CRC over the past year. One of the main projects was research into the social isolation experienced

  8. FS79.pdf

    rights in the UK 17 8.1 Human rights impact assessment 17 Useful organisations 18 Age UK 21 Support our work 21 Age UK factsheet 79 August 2023 Equality, discrimination and the Public Sector Equality Duty ... discrimination. This means discrimination or unfair treatment based on certain personal characteristics when at work, accessing a service, and in certain other situations is unlawful. The Act applies to discrimination

  9. 20210917 Local Government and Housing Cttee - Age Cymru response (1).pdf

    Senate of Older People, Active Wales, National Pensioners Convention Wales, and Pensioners Forum Wales worked together to gather the experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the winter Covid-19

  10. RB_14_Care_in_Crisis_report.pdf

    this briefing shows, this funding allocation cannot fix the crisis facing social care. The improved working that this transfer will support can only mitigate, not solve, the huge reduction in the availability ... comes into the system. Social care has been neglected and underfunded for very many years. By working to modernise and strengthen the system through changes to the legislation, funding and policy arrangements

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