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  1. Carers Guide WELSH (Jan 23).pdf

    • Cymorth i gyn-filwyr Powys yn ddiweddarach mewn bywyd. Eu manylion cyswllt yw: 01686 623 707 / (gogledd Powys), 01597 825 908 / (de Powys Mind Aberhonddu

  2. Carers Guide (Cym) Nov 22.pdf

    cyswllt yw: 01970 626 225 / Eu manylion cyswllt yw: 01686 623 707 / (gogledd Powys), 01597 825 908 / (de Powys Eu manylion cyswllt

  3. Canllaw Siop Un Stop i Ofalwyr Hŷn yng Nghymru - Mehefin 2023.pdf

    • Cymorth i gyn-filwyr Powys yn ddiweddarach mewn bywyd. Eu manylion cyswllt yw: 01686 623 707 / (gogledd Powys), 01597 825 908 / (de Powys Mind Aberhonddu

  4. RB_June14_ppi_financial_resilience_of_recently_retired.pdf

    gaps in their contribution record. 25 Guarantee Credit is effectively the name used for income support for people over State Pension Age (currently 61 for women and 65 for men) and is, therefore, paid

  5. EnvisAGE_2019_cymraeg.pdf

    01597 825908 e-bost: Gogledd/Canol Powys Rhif ffôn 01686 623707 e-bost: 14 Trwy ddefnyddio canfyddiadau o astudiaeth yn gwerthuso gwasanaeth eirioli a arweinir

  6. FS41w - Welsh.pdf

    elusen MIND yn darparu canllaw defnyddiol i Ddeddf Iechyd Meddwl 1983 ar: 14 ‘Preswylfa arferol’ a dryswch o ran pa awdurdod lleol sy’n

  7. RB_Dec14_Dashboards_and_jam_jars_pension_pots_and_retirement_income.pdf

    withdrawn incurring a tax charge payable at the consumer’s marginal rate. Pensions Guidance: To support this increased flexibility the Government has announced a ‘Guidance Guarantee’ which will enable

  8. Commissioning IPA Toolkit Welsh Oct 19.pdf

    ly/CAadvocacyReport 26 7 Opsiynau ar gyfer modelau comisiynu Ffigur 6: Modelau Comisiynu Eiriolaeth   skilled support  Can help smaller providers with track record in that form of advocacy, enhancing choice locally

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