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  1. Human Rights Toolkits WELSH V1.pdf

    Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014 yma: Hawliau Gydol Oes yw Hawliau Dynol 11 Sut mae hyn ... sicrhau bod hawliau’r person yn cael eu cynnal. Gallwch weld y ddogfen hon yma: news-and-blog/publications/dementia-standards/. Y Cynnig Rhagweithiol

  2. CRS_May14_Smith_Institute_Making_Work_Better.pdf

    outweigh that of the employee in some circumstances. Statistics from the Employment Tribunal Service shows the number of age discrimation claims accepted each year, shown in Figure 1. This peaked in ... rates (which, according to the University of Lancaster, directly drive the bottom line in such a service-led industry) were 20 per cent higher in restaurants that employed workers aged over 60 than in those

  3. IL5.pdf

    books or a mobile library, public phone, shared computers, internet reception and hairdressing services? n Care home checklist 9 Are there regular social activities such as: music or singing, reminiscence ... how are NHS-funded nursing care payments accounted for in the fee structure? n Are extra items or services not covered by the basic fees clearly identified and accounted for? n Are any fees payable after

  4. RB_March14_Age_and_productivity_briefing.pdf

    even looking at the direct evidence. To compound this, the increasing proportion of jobs in the service sector is changing the nature of work (see section 3.3), while making adjustments to the working ... infer that if productivity actually increases with age in the manufacturing sector, then in the service sector or other less physical occupations there is even more potential for it to do so. BMW, at

  5. Age Cymru Dementia Advocacy Project A5 Flyer FINAL.pdf

    • Understand your accommodation options? • Understand the choices you can make? • Access the services you need? • Stay connected to the things that matter to you? • Know your rights, and make sure

  6. Shopping.pdf

    contact information below. For information on how to safely pay for goods see: Paying for goods and services If the person you’re supporting needs further help and is aged 50 or over they can contact Age Cymru

  7. Conversation resource - Welsh.pdf

    nhw’n hoffi mynd allan? • Rhowch amser i’ch partner sgwrsio i ateb, peidiwch â llenwi’r tawelwch ar frys • Byddwch mor ymwybodol â phosib o hwyl eich partner sgwrsio ac atebwch yn sensitif, yn enwedig ... an age friendly Wales Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Arbrofi gartref Rhowch gynnig ar eistedd gyda’ch partner sgwrsio a • Siaradwch gyda’ch gilydd am funud gyda’ch llygaid ar gau • Syllwch yn dawel i mewn i

  8. CRS_April16_cms_energy_market_investigation.pdf

    adopt the principle that consumers should be able to access comparison information and switching services through a range of channels, including telephone.  We strongly support the proposed temporary price ... Those people offline cannot easily access price comparison websites (PCWs) or online switching services. Unless policy measures address these barriers, disengaged customers will continue to not switch

  9. RB_Feb17_AgeUK_Wellbeing_Index_Summary_web.pdf

    older people’s lives. In the same vein, local Age UKs need information to target their support services. We hypothesised that wellbeing is an outcome that can be used for these purposes, and that low ... Live with people Working Widowed Satisfaction with local leisure services Personality / Agreeableness Satisfaction with local medical services Low intensity helping / caring Divorced Level of housing wealth

  10. HOPE WELSH Advocacy Newsletter Jan 2021.pdf

    manylion y rownd nesaf o gyfarfodydd rhwydweithiau rhanbarthol a fydd yn digwydd dros Zoom neu Teams: National Network 21/1/21 10am - 12pm Cwm Taf Morgannwg 25/1/21 2pm – 3.30pm Gwent 11/2/21 2pm - 3.30pm

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