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  1. CRS_Feb17_CQC_Next_phase_of_regulation_consultation.pdf

    written materials and individual enquiries by telephone, letters, emails and face to face sessions. We work closely with Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland. Local Age UKs are active in supporting and advising ... ‘guiding mind’ that determines quality of services. The consultation notes that CQC is currently working with stakeholders to develop new proposals on this issue, which will be set out in more detail in

  2. Age Cymru response LGBTQ+ Action Plan consultation October 2021_.pdf

    therapy. In April, UK Govt announced plans to ban this, it may be helpful to re word this action to work with UK government on this to ensure it addresses the needs of LGBTQ+ people in Wales. Action 40 ... outlined? The Action Plan will require resourcing for all of the above in order to be effective. Further work is likely to be needed to look at resourcing requirements for different actions. For example, in

  3. CRS_Feb16_Social_Security_Advisory_Committee_ response_on_changes_to_benefit_rules_for_temporary_absence_from_Great_Britain.pdf

    and our local partners for information and advice on a range of issues to do with later life. We work closely with Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland. 2. We welcome the opportunity to respond to this ... is linked to date of birth rather than the provision of any evidence linked to seeking work or being unable to work. And if the position was different, we do not feel that the limited number of people who

  4. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Religious_Minorities.pdf

    Medical Ethics 21 (5) : 265-269 Klee D (ed) (2015) Faith and spirituality [special issue], Emerald Working with Older People 19 (3) : 105-156 Krause N (2003) Religious meaning and subjective well-being in ... social support and spirituality-faith: "I don't have time to die", Journal of Gerontological Social Work 44 (3-4) : 3-22 Philpot T ( 2003) Catholic trends for care homes, Community Care, no 1463 (13 March)

  5. 1 Welcome pack for care home - volunteer guidance doc (1).pdf

    play. You’re providing a real opportunity to make a positive difference to the people who live and work in your care home. We look forward to gathering your feedback, which is an essential part of the initiative ... little understanding Many volunteers will know little or nothing about care homes or the way they work. They may have had little or no contact with anyone living with dementia. They may have had limited

  6. CRS_April16_cms_energy_market_investigation.pdf

    on the proposed database may be overwhelmed by offers, causing paralysis and distress. Ofgem should work to prevent this, including by evaluating the volume and complexity of deals offered to disengaged ... repositories of all available tariffs’. The development of effective ‘brokers’ that engage with and do the work of actually switching for disengaged customers could represent progress. To enable people of all

  7. Utilities.pdf

    store where the payment / top-up service can be accessed. Emergency support It’s recommended that work shouldn’t be carried out in any household which is isolating or where a person who is classed as extremely ... arrange for someone who is registered under the Gas Safe Register Scheme to come and do the necessary work. They can call the gas safe register on 0800 408 5500 or visit https://www.gassaferegister.

  8. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Music_E.pdf

    colour. The app makes a loop of this sound and colour, before allowing you to add new sounds. This app works well for one-to-one activities but can also be used to inspire soundscapes and group activities. 1

  9. CRS_Nov16_transforming_our_justice_system.pdf

    materials, and individual enquires by telephone, letter, email and local face-to-face sessions. We work closely with Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland. A large proportion of enquiries to our Information ... incorrect decision being changed) has also been noted elsewhere. For example, a 2010 Report by the Work and Pensions Committee recommended that DWP ensured claimants are made aware of the increased chances

  10. Social care funding policy statement.pdf

    The National Framework for Continuing NHS Healthcare sets out a mandatory process for the NHS, working together with local authority partners, to assess health needs, decide on eligibility for CHC and ... limit), Scotland - £27,500. Recent Policy Developments Holtham Report The current context for this work has been the debate about a report from Professor Gerald Holtham (June 2018) who has proposed a Wales

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