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  1. Blue Badge Scheme in Wales - February 2019.pdf

    2 issues, eg, where someone with dementia has been discharged by their consultant as nothing more can be done to improve their condition, without proof of their impairment; a letter from their GP is not

  2. Age Cymru Hope Project A5 Volunteers Flyer NATIONAL + QPM BILINGUAL - updated Dec 23.pdf

    You can help people to:  Have their views, wishes and feelings listened to  Get the right support when they need it  Understand their options and choices  Access services like doctors, housing

  3. CRS_Sept16_Age_UK_response_to_PSR_strategy.pdf

    the security of the banking and payments systems. We believe that banks and Payment System Providers can do much more to detect scams in live-time, disrupt them and weed scammers out of the system.  In ... invent new forms of physical money. Any product that that is sufficiently durable and standardised can serve as money (cigarettes, chocolate, pens, tea, take-away vouchers, drugs etc) and we think that

  4. AC5 Full report Final ENGLISH.pdf

    Acknowledgements Age Cymru are grateful to all of the advocacy service providers who took time to complete the online survey and to those who agreed to be contacted in order to get some more detailed responses to ... to some of the issues raised. We would also like to thank everyone who assisted in preparing the survey to go live and in the production of the report. These include Ffion Jones, Programme Assistant, Age

  5. cARTrefu Newsletter January 2020.pdf

    uk/cartrefu If you’re an artist or creative and would like to attend a workshop, you can register on by searching for cARTrefu—An introduction for artists and creatives. These ... throughout 2020 - 2021. Follow us on Facebook We are now on Facebook ...Cartrefu—Age Cymru. You can keep up to date with everything here including where we are hosting artist workshops, photos of our

  6. Survey v5.docx

    Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales who look after, or give any unpaid help or support to family members, friends, neighbours or others because of long-term physical or mental ill-health or ... for youUnpaid carers are defined by the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 as a person who provides or intends to provide care for an adult or disabled child. B1. Are you comfortable using

  7. Financial abuse

    and other accumulation of debt when someone is supposed to be paying the bills on behalf of an adult who needs care and support Lack of adequate provisions, clothing and other possessions that the person ... should be able to afford Undue pressure and coercion in connection with financial expenditure The adult who needs care and support telling you that they are being financially abused or exploited Unexplained

  8. RB_Sept14_Satisfaction_with_social_care_services-ethnic_minorities.pdf

    people (NHS Information Centre, 2012). It is vital to investigate why this is the case so that services can be improved, particularly as there may be a greater need to use services due to higher levels of ill ... services in the first place, and had only found out through conversations with friends or relatives who already knew about them. The enablers helped other people to access services by passing on information

  9. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 6 Eng final.pdf

    Practice (Part 10, Advocacy) states that: Advocacy helps people to understand how they can be involved, how they can contribute and take part and whenever possible, lead or direct the process.1 To have voice ... services funded specifically for older people than in 2016. • Looking ahead, the number of services who believe that their funding will remain the same or increase has risen to 65% compared to 53% in Advocacy

  10. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 6 Summary_e.pdf

    Practice (Part 10, Advocacy) states that: Advocacy helps people to understand how they can be involved, how they can contribute and take part and whenever possible, lead or direct the process.1 To have voice ... services funded specifically for older people than in 2016. • Looking ahead, the number of services who believe that their funding will remain the same or increase has risen to 65% compared to 53% in Advocacy

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