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  1. IG49.pdf

    physical or mental disability or illness, you may be able to claim AA. 3 How much is it worth? There are 2 different weekly rates. The rate you get depends on the help you need. You get: • £72.65 (lower ... our lives – now my wife doesn’t have to do everything for me.” Lisa, 70. 5 How do I apply? There are different ways you can apply for AA: Phone. You can get a claim form by calling the Attendance Allowance

  2. RB_Dec13_Transitions_in_Older_Age.pdf

    low income after SPA was among single non-working households (42 per cent), and couple households where neither partner was in work because one was retired and the other was looking after the home and family ... activity of households before and after SPA? We begin by exploring the economic activityi of households where at least one person reached state pension age (SPA) between 2002/03 and 2010/11. We compare their

  3. Referral Form - Final.docx

    consent to Age Cymru collecting and storing your personal information  Yes NoYour details will be held on a secure database and will not be passed onto any third parties unless required to by law. You

  4. CRS_Feb16_LGA_housing_commission.pdf

    parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. ... markets.  Local authorities should regularly review sheltered housing provision to ensure residents are receiving appropriate levels of care and support and have good access to their local community. 

  5. Maniffesto 2021.pdf

    1 Maniffesto 2021 Gweledigaeth Age Cymru ar gyfer etholiadau’r Senedd 2021 – bywyd diweddarach gwell i bob person hŷn Gweledigaeth Age Cymru yw cael Cymru lle mae pawb yn mwynhau iechyd da, yn byw ... boblogaeth hŷn, gyda rhai mewn sefyllfa lawer gwell nag eraill. Ar hyn o bryd, mae bywyd hyd yn oed yn fwy cyfyngedig a llwm i’r rhai sydd ar begwn llai dethol y sbectrwm, a dyma’r bobl hŷn y poenwn fwyaf

  6. IG45.pdf

    help you, and points you in the right direction for further support or advice. This symbol indicates where information differs for Wales and Northern Ireland. As far as possible, the information in this guide ... your own finances Taking the time to properly manage your finances can help you in the long run. Here are a few things to keep in mind: • It’s really important to keep your personal identification number (PIN)

  7. CRS_Nov12_Implementing_employee_owner_status.pdf

    parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. ... rights. Most notably, employee owners would be unable to pursue claims of unfair dismissal (except where this is automatically unfair or relates to discrimination law), would be ineligible for the right

  8. Become a corporate partner

    lasting benefits to your company too. Why partner with us? Thousands of older people across Wales are facing some of the hardest challenges imaginable. We need enterprising corporate partners to work with ... in partnership, we can make a difference. Ways we can work together As a corporate partner, there are many ways we can work collaboratively to help you achieve your objectives whilst, at the same time

  9. How your company can help Age Cymru

    challenging times, there are more older people turning to Age Cymru for support, and we are working around the clock to be there for the people who need us. Unfortunately, these same challenges are also threatening ... These funds will help us to: Meet the growing demand on our free information and advice line – calls are up by 200% and this is expected to rise – so that we can provide expert advice and support to all older

  10. Advocacy Services in Monmouthshire.pdf

    rights to advocacy. If they apply, you may also choose from the services below. Dementia Children Are they sectioned under the mental health act, under guardianship or subject to a community treatment ... Do they lack capacity and have no appropriate family / friends to consult? If not, are they facing serious medical treatment, a safeguarding concern or DoLS? Or does their RPR need support

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