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  1. FS9.pdf

    3 Keeping a record of issues 7 4 Common problems, who to contact and actions that can be taken 8 4.1 Particularly serious issues or problems 8 4.2 Approaching a neighbour ... 2 If you live in private rented accommodation 27 10.3 Homelessness applications 28 10.4 If you are a homeowner 29 10.5 ‘Age-exclusive’ housing or sheltered housing 29 11 Complaints regarding organisations

  2. CRS_Dec14_Health_select_committee_inquiry_end_of_life_care.pdf Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 ... continues to struggle to properly identify people who are in the last stages of life, unless they have a terminal or otherwise life-threatening condition. This in turn means people are not able to plan properly

  3. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter March 2022.pdf

    Inclusion (NDTi) for the work it delivers through projects such as HOPE and Dementia Advocacy. The QPM is the UK’s only independent quality performance mark for organisations like Age Cymru offering independent ... To gain the QPM, the charity’s work in this area had to undergo a rigorous self-assessment process and policy review followed by a structured site visit by NDTi assessors who met some of our advocates

  4. CRS_Feb16_Social_Security_Advisory_Committee_ response_on_changes_to_benefit_rules_for_temporary_absence_from_Great_Britain.pdf Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 ... Security Advisory Committee (SSAC) is consulting on draft regulations which will reduce the period of time that Housing Benefit and State Pension Credit can be paid when someone is temporarily out of Great Britain

  5. RB_Feb16_Bus_pass_briefing.pdf

    information about the free bus pass in England and explains Age UK’s views. (Policy on the bus pass is devolved to local administrations in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales - where there are differences ... concessions). February 2016 Contact: 2 Who qualifies for a bus pass? A minimum standard for concessionary fares for older and disabled people was originally introduced

  6. Unpaid carers.pdf

    Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road ... The person you’re supporting may be a unpaid carer for the other person/s they live with. It’s useful for you to be aware of this when you’re providing help. • A carer is anyone of any age, who provides unpaid

  7. Paying for goods.pdf

    Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road ... shopping/goods. To help reduce this anxiety you should; • Provide the person you’re supporting with a receipt for any purchases made for them, and leave it in the bottom of the shopping bag. They can then

  8. A4 WG Manifesto singleA4 english.pdf

    reported ‘always or often’ feeling lonely – it’s a daily reality for many older people. Feeling lonely is detrimental to the wellbeing of older people and there is increasing evidence of the negative impacts ... impacts on physical and mental health. These negative impacts can lead to increased pressure on a wide range of local authority and health services. Yet there are practical actions that can be taken to address

  9. APPG_for_Ageing_and_Older_People_minutes_090516.pdf

    expectation of a healthier, older life had not kept pace. Therefore integration and devolution were fundamentally important to meeting the health and care needs of older people, as well as a way of responding ... however that it was important to remember that integration was not a solution in itself to the system’s financial challenges and that it was a way of delivering care more effectively to ensure it meets the

  10. CRS_Jan12_rural_policy_functions.pdf Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is 207-221 Pentonville ... Pentonville Road, London N1 9UZ. Consultation response 2 The government is proposing to abolish the Commission for Rural Communities (CRC). The Public Bodies Bill requires the government to consult before

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