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  1. RB_July15_AgeUK_survey_attitudes_to_secondary_annuity_market.pdf

    findings of this research fed into the positions taken in Age UK’s response to the consultation, which can be found on our website. We are particularly concerned that people receiving means-tested benefits ... explained clearly at the outset. TNS also asked respondents questions about their age; the length of time they had been receiving their income; whether the income provided from their annuity was above or

  2. RB_Sept10_short_term_protection_long_term_vision.pdf

    services. Others, who, for whatever reason, have been less able to prepare, will be facing even tougher times ahead. People in later life recognise that the services they value will not be exempt from consideration ... in terms of the contribution they can make to their communities, and the support they may need. Yet most of the public sector is still failing to get to grips with what this means for services across the

  3. CRS_Feb17_HM_Treasury_response_to_pension_scams.pdf

    from the consultation paper. Key points 1. Loneliness is a big problem for many older people, and can lead to them being more willing to engage with cold callers. Fraudsters prey on this by ‘grooming’ ... important to ensure that the definition of ‘express requests’ can easily be amended to reflect new frauds that seek to avoid loopholes. Q3.4 What would the costs and benefits be of extending the proposed

  4. Karen Wakelin Sharon Cole.pdf

    gymwysterau ar gyfer iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol a gofal plant gan Cymwysterau Cymru • Cyfres newydd wedi’i chomisiynu • Bydd Lefel 2 a 3 yn cael eu haddysgu gyntaf ar ôl mis Medi 2019 • Bydd Lefel 4 a 5 yn cael ... Advocacy as ‘golden thread’ • Cymwysterau craidd i bob gweithiwr newydd • Uned benodol ar helpu oedolion neu blant a phobl ifanc i fanteisio ar eiriolaeth • Wedi’i gynnwys mewn unedau ymarfer eraill e.e. Gweithio

  5. Community Calculator

    said dog fouling and litter added to the problems. One respondent told the survey ‘As an older person I am concerned about the issues that prevent or limit older people from being involved in their community ... it will encourage councils to share the good practices that are occurring in our communities, so we can all work together to help create an age friendly Wales.

  6. Age Cymru’s vision for the 2021 Senedd elections.pdf

    in plans for Covid reconstruction. Poverty and voice • 120,000 pensioners in Wales live in poverty (i) • It’s estimated that 80,000 households in Wales that are eligible for Pension Credit are not claiming ... have a voice and regain control in difficult situations, they can help people secure their rights and represent their interests. Advocacy can help to prevent discrimination, neglect or abuse by enabling

  7. RB_July16_Older_people_and_internet_use_stats.pdf

    about the sources of information are given at the end of the note. Internet use and trends over time Internet use among older age groups has increased substantially over the last five years, but many ... publishes information each year setting out the numbers and proportions of people who use the internet.i  In the UK in 2016, 5.3 million adults have never used the internet while a further 0.9 million have

  8. Barbara Hillard

    people. What difference to your life has volunteering made to you? It has enhanced my own wellbeing Learnt new skills as a Nordic Walking Instructor and a Tai Chi Instructor. Made new friends. What do you ... people learn new skills and mapping their improvements in that skill. Watching people make new friends What would you say to someone who is thinking of becoming involved with volunteering? Don’t think just

  9. CRS_May14_Smith_Institute_Making_Work_Better.pdf

    UK’s response to the Smith Institute’s Making Work Better Inquiry. The inquiry aims to identify what can be done by different parties to improve job quality, and to help the UK move towards a high-skills ... • To improve job quality, more must be done to tackle age discrimination in the workplace. This can be done through educating employers and managers to avoid discriminating and to challenge stereotypes;

  10. CRS_June15_Response_to_Freedom_to_Speak_Up_Review.pdf

    Review, which was led by Sir Robert Francis QC, was to identify steps that can be taken to enable a culture in the NHS where staff can feel safe to raise concerns as well as confident that they will be listened ... staff to do the right thing for individual patients, not simply following processes. Behaviour change can only happen if staff not only feel committed to values of patient safety and

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