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  1. Age Cymru’s vision for the 2021 Senedd elections.pdf

    1 Manifesto 2021 Age Cymru’s vision for the 2021 Senedd elections – a better later life for all older people Age Cymru’s vision is a Wales where everyone enjoys good health, lives safely, is free from

  2. Advocacy Newsletter Dec 2019 - Eng SM.pdf

    Advocacy Newsletter Issue No 12 December 2019 Media and Resources Older People’s Commissioner for Wales and Age Cymru have produced a DVD regarding Advocacy Awareness. They also have a new Advocacy Resources Hub to access for further information. Social Care Wales has produced a link for a Dementia Care Resource for Care Professionals Dewis Centre for Independent Living and National

  3. CRS_Jan17_ FCA_Mission_Statement_2017.pdf

    Consultation Response Financial Conduct Authority: Our future Mission Ref: 0517 January 2017 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Jane Vass, Director of Policy & Research Jane.vass@

  4. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Extra May 2020.pdf

    Advocacy and Safeguarding in Wales Newsletter Issue No 1 May 2020 Age Cymru Check in and Chat Service The service continues to provide some reassurances to older people, answer basic queries and link

  5. RB_Oct17_Creating_a_career_MOT_at_50.docx

    Creating a‘CareerMOT at 50’Helping people keep working and save for later lifeAn Age UK discussion paper, October 2017Why the ‘Career MOT at 50’ is neededThe State Pension age (SPA) is rising, scheduled to increase to 67 in 2026-28 and with further rises likely in the 2030s and beyond. This makes working longer essential, and there is a clear need to help people plan their future careers as

  6. Fit_As_A_Fiddle_Summary_Reports_(2007-2012).xlsx

  7. Age Cymru - I and A Info Catalogue - Welsh lang.pdf

    Gwybodaeth a chyngor defnyddiol dros ben yn rhad ac am ddim Mae Age Cymru yn rhan o rwydwaith Age UK, sydd hefyd yn cynnwys Age NI ac Age Scotland. Hefyd, mae gennym bartneriaid Age Cymru lleol ledled Cymru. Paratowyd y daflen wybodaeth hon gan Age Cymru ac Age UK ac mae’n cynnwys gwybodaeth gyffredinol yn unig ynglŷn â’r ystod o ganllawiau gwybodaeth a thaflenni ffeithiau a fydd, rydym yn

  8. Talking_about_death_booklet_final_version.pdf

    1 As chair of Age UK and the Malnutrition Task Force I’m delighted to have been asked to write the foreword of this book. We all seem to find it difficult to have conversations about dying and death.

  9. Cyngor Age Cymru - Datganiad Gwasanaeth.docx

    Datganiad Gwasanaeth Cyngor Age Cymru Beth rydyn ni’n ei wneud? Mae Cyngor Age Cymru’n darparu gwasanaeth gwybodaeth a chyngor ar gyfer pobl hŷn, eu gofalwyr a’u teuluoedd yng Nghymru ynglŷn ag amrywiaeth o faterion yn cynnwys: Budd-daliadau lles i bobl hŷn gan gynnwys cyfle i wirio eu hawl i dderbyn budd-dal Iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol Tai, gan gynnwys opsiynau tai, atgyweiriadau ac addasiadau

  10. Friend In Need Resource -English.pdf

    essential items from the shops during this time. Here are a few basic precautions for handling shopping; 1. Follow social distancing protocol and don’t take unnecessary risks. 2. Don’t go into the house of the ... ck-up-aprescription-for-someone-else/ Here are a few basic precautions for handling prescriptions; 1. Follow social distancing protocol and don’t take unnecessary risks. 2. Don’t go into the house of the

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