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  1. CRS_Aug15_Women_and_Equalities_Select_Committee_transgender_equality.pdf

    equality. The committee will consider how far, and in what ways, trans people still have yet to achieve full equality; and how the outstanding issues can most effectively be addressed. Age UK is pleased to ... paid not only to ensuring that older trans people can access appropriate services for gender identity related health issues but also to checking that they can access the full range of health care provision

  2. Gwerthfawrogi Lleisiau yng Nghymru - Cymraeg - Hydref 2020.pdf

    pwy ydynt neu unrhyw ddiagnosis neu gyflwr iechyd a all fod ganddynt. Mae gan eiriolaeth rôl hanfodol i'w chwarae wrth wella iechyd a llesiant pobl na ddylid ei hanwybyddu. Mae'r adroddiad hwn yn dwyn ynghyd ... ond mae'n cynrychioli nifer sylweddol o eiriolwyr yn gweithio ledled Cymru sydd mewn sefyllfa unigryw i adnabod gwendidau mewn systemau a chamdriniaeth gyffredinol o hawliau. Mae pryderon eang a mawr am effaith

  3. AC5 full report CYMRAEG.pdf

    Tachwedd 2016 Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Pwysigrwydd Eiriolaeth 5 Adolygiad o wasanaethau eiriolaeth i bobl hŷn yng Nghymru 1 1. Cynnwys 1. Cynnwys 2 2. Cydnabyddiaeth 3 3. Crynodeb ... Crynodeb Gweithredol 4 4. Cyflwyniad 10 Methodoleg 10 5. Ymwrymiad Age Cymru i Eiriolaeth 12 Cymru Oed Gyfeillgar 13 Y Rhaglen Eiroli Edau Euraidd 13 6. Datblygiadau

  4. Carers policy position - November 2016.pdf

    neighbour who is disabled, physically or mentally ill, or affected by substance misuse”5. Carers can be involved in a whole range of practical, physical, personal and administrative tasks. Examples could ... intensive care for individuals with increasingly complex needs. Too often in these financially difficult times, carers are increasingly relied upon to fill gaps in provision. As eligibility criteria are tightened

  5. CRS_July15_Older_peoples_independence_and_mental_wellbeing.pdf

    difference to the lives of older people. Key points and recommendations Age UK’s detailed comments can be seen in the NICE proforma below. Key points from our response include:  Ensuring loneliness is ... and wellbeing, as well as clarifying recommendations for service commissioners and providers around what works in this area. We welcome the reference to some of our services within the guideline which make

  6. 16 Volunteer policy_care home exemplar.pdf

    Introduction [add introduction about Care Home] Volunteers offer a valuable resource by giving their time and dedication without pay. It’s important to ensure we protect volunteers by making sure that volunteers ... respect and dignity. As a volunteer, your gift of time, skills and experience is invaluable and enhances the services and activities [name of Care Home] can offer. The aim is to provide volunteers with satisfaction

  7. CSR_March13_OHCH_Rights_of_older_people.pdf

    Employment Following the phasing out of the default retirement age throughout 2011/12, employees can no longer be forced to retire just because they turn 65, and more people are continuing to work in ... but they receive only two fifths of total expenditure.19 Age UK research has shown a clear vision of what people want and need from health and care systems. Recurrent themes include coordination between

  8. CRS_Dec13_Reshaping_workplace_pensions_future_generations.pdf

    Current governance issues, especially within contract based schemes need to be resolved before DA can develop further 1. Introduction Age UK are pleased to respond to this consultation and welcome ... cap for DC schemes; and, achieving a successful way of consolidating small pension pots. The short time allowed for this formal consultation has prohibited us from making detailed comments on the many questions

  9. Community Calculator

    said dog fouling and litter added to the problems. One respondent told the survey ‘As an older person I am concerned about the issues that prevent or limit older people from being involved in their community ... it will encourage councils to share the good practices that are occurring in our communities, so we can all work together to help create an age friendly Wales.

  10. CRS_Nov12_Ending_the_employment_relationship.pdf

    that theuncertainty faced by employers could be more easily resolved by improving communication about what is and is not acceptable behaviour. Creating new procedures is unnecessary and will only serve to ... make day one claims for Jobseekers Allowance. 1. Introduction Ending the employment relationship can be difficult for both employer and employee. If done correctly, measures to ease this could be beneficial

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