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  1. CRS_Aug16_HASC_inquiry_hate_crime_submission.pdf

    In part, the stereotyping of older people is a result of the overwhelming tendency to view those of us over a certain age as one homogeneous mass, failing to reflect the increasing diversity within older ... com/oapgayhate accessed 17.08.16 5 Coren, G. (25 June 2016) Brexit: The wrinklies have well and truly stitched us up. The Times, London 6 Paxman, J (19 August 2016), The Diary: Jeremy Paxman, Financial Times, London

  2. 17012023 - Duty of Quality - Age Cymru response.pdf

    report showed that only 40% of over-80s access information online6. As the age group most likely to use NHS and social care services, it is vital that older people feel assured that the duty of quality is ... of quality proposals would have on the Welsh language, specifically on opportunities for people to use Welsh and on treating the Welsh language no less favorably than English. For example, what effects

  3. Accessing help for other.pdf

    been cancelled. If the person you’re helping has pain, toothache, dental trauma or swelling please use the NHS Direct Wales symptom checker for dental problems and follow the advice. If they have another ... their practice is not taking calls they may need to call the number their Local Health Board normally uses for urgent dental care. This information can be found here:

  4. CRS_Sept14_Personal_independence_payment_independent_review.pdf

    have received at a national level and the responses from local Age UK partners who we asked to tell us about their experiences with helping people claim PIP. Local Age UKs may also choose to feed comments ... Motability so continuing entitlement is very important to her. A woman who reached 65 in July 2013 told us she had received a 13 page letter about DLA which she did not understand and wanted to know why she

  5. 20181030 Towards a future vision for General Practice response.pdf

    (87%). Is there anything you feel could enhance what a GP does for their patient? Older people tell us that the main issues for them in regards to GP surgeries include: 1. Appointments systems – the strength ... the right place at the right time - to care for older people with dementia require maximising the use of multidisciplinary teams. If there are other staff that can provide support this will free up the

  6. RB_June16_Age_UK_Discharge_From_Hospital_Briefing.pdf

    organisations working for and on behalf of older people. The most common subjects that people contact us about are social care, welfare benefits and health and disability. Hospital discharge is a common reason ... organisations working for and on behalf of older people. The most common subjects that people contact us about are social care, welfare benefits and health and disability. Hospital discharge is a common reason

  7. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 5 E FINAL.pdf

    we have extracted data to paint the fullest picture of advocacy services in Wales, making the data useful to commissioners, providers and citizens alike. Full data sets are available on our website. Age ... and Wales 6837284. Registered office as above. ©Age Cymru 2016 Creating an age friendly Wales Follow us on: Promoting equality for all Hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb i bawb

  8. CRS_Sept15_Strengthening_incentive_to_save.pdf

    incentives can play an important role in boosting private pension saving. It also has the potential to be used more effectively as a tool to encourage pension saving and engage people in the process. However, ... enjoy an ‘exempt-exempt-exempt’ tax system. The possible switch to a tax-exempt-exempt system gives us significant cause for concern that their counterparts in younger generations will suffer a serious

  9. Towards a future vision for General Practice response - October 2018.pdf

    (87%). Is there anything you feel could enhance what a GP does for their patient? Older people tell us that the main issues for them in regards to GP surgeries include: 1. Appointments systems – the strength ... the right place at the right time - to care for older people with dementia require maximising the use of multidisciplinary teams. If there are other staff that can provide support this will free up the

  10. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_LGBT.pdf

    public health, with a likely impact on mortality.7 The higher prevalence of smoking, alcohol use and drug use and the lower uptake of screening programmes are likely to contribute to an increased risk of ... than heterosexuals to have consulted a mental health professional, deliberately harmed themselves or used recreational drugs, and that lesbians consume Centre for Policy on Ageing – Rapid review 2016 6 more

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