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  1. CRS_Aug15_Pension_freedom_guidance_advice.pdf

    Evidence submission Age UK evidence to Work and Pensions Committee Inquiry: Pension freedom guidance and advice 28 August 2015 Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock ... Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis

  2. CRS_Sept15_Gender_pay_gap.pdf

    consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Name: Joanne Sawyer, Policy Adviser, Consumer and Communities (Employment) Email: Age ... Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis

  3. How to leave a legacy

    important step towards making sure your wishes can be respected. Once you have taken care of your family and friends, it’s also the perfect way to ensure that a charity like Age Cymru can continue to be ... consider when you write your will and it helps you gather your thoughts and plans in one place. Will planner form If you already have a will If you already have a will and you want to include a gift to Age

  4. know_your_energy_rights.pdf

    contact the company as soon as you can. Explain the problem and what you would like to be done to fix it. Remember: • Try not to get emotional and keep your anger in check - you can be assertive without being ... you have any fault; and • Deal with one complaint at a time; ensure what you say is clear and fair. Make a note of any contact you have with the company, including dates, times and the names of the people

  5. RB_Jan16_Predicting_the_prevalence_of_loneliness_at_older_ages.pdf

    data from the English Longitudinal Study on Ageing (ELSA) survey to obtain predictors of loneliness and to test for the presence of spatial neighbouring effects (i.e. spatial dependence). The results are ... small areas in a country considering that most interventions to tackle it by public and charity sector organisations and community groups are localised (Findlay, 2003; Cattan et al, 2005; Dickens et al,

  6. Age Cymru response LGBTQ+ Action Plan consultation October 2021_.pdf

    Action Plan October 2021 1. Do you think the Action Plan will increase equality for LGBTQ+ people and what do you think the priorities should be? Age Cymru welcomes the development of the LGBTQ+ Action ... older LGBTQ+ people should be captured and understood, and so appropriate actions can be developed to assist them to more confidently access the services and support that they need. Priorities should include

  7. Winter 2021 Newsletter v3.pdf

    leave autumn and enter winter many of us are thinking about what the coming months will bring. Colder and shorter days means there are fewer opportunities for us to get out and about and meet others. ... are expected to rise as we’ve not been exposed to germs as much as usual. And if those are not challenging enough our energy and food bills are rising due to global shortages in gas supplies. It’s quite

  8. RISCA advocacy services - August 2018.pdf

    1 CONSULTATION RESPONSE REGULATION AND INSPECTION OF SOCIAL CARE (WALES) ACT 2016: PHASE 3 IMPLEMENTATION – REGULATED ADVOCACY SERVICES AUGUST 2018 Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve ... healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise

  9. Human rights project

    this project was to raise awareness of human rights, and to engage with older people across Wales to embed the message that older people are citizens and participants in society, who should expect to have ... the short, animated film you can see at the top of this page. We worked with artists Jon Ratigan and Emma Prentice to animate interviews with six older people across Wales, allowing them to explore issues

  10. RB_July17_Testing_Promising_Approaches_Technical_Annex.pdf

    .......................................................................... 17 4. Older People Supported – Profile Information ......................................................................... ... ................................. 32 Vinal K Karania Page 4 of 81 July 2017 5. Older People Supported – Loneliness at Baseline ......................................................................

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