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  1. Big Knit Poster - Age Cymru.pdf

    the Big Knit is back send your hats to: Age UK is a registered charity (number 1128267) calling all knitters

  2. RB_July14_Housing_Later_Life_Report.pdf

    meet the housing needs of their older citizens for the benefit of everyone in the local community. 1. Pannell, J. Aldridge, H and Kenway, P (April 2012) Market Assessment of Housing Options for Older People ... Communities and Local Government (November 2010) Housing Wealth Inequality. Economics Paper 6: Volume 1. DCLG 52. Pensions Policy Institute (September 2009) Retirement income and assets: how can housing support

  3. RB_Sept16_Attendance_Allownace_ survey_report.pdf

    1 Summary of findings from Age UK’s survey of disabled older people who receive Attendance Allowance September 2016 Introduction The Government is asking for views on transferring support currently ... and explain, in their own words, what impact it has. 1 Disability and poverty in later life, Ruth Hancock, Marcello Morciano, and Stephen Pudney, 2016. https://www

  4. Age Cymru gift box appeal poster - Cymraeg 2019.pdf

    Apêl Bocs Anrheg Nadolig Age Cymru 2019      Rhif elusen gofrestredig: 1128436

  5. Age_Cymru_thinking_about_end_of_life_CYM.pdf

    Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Meddwl am ddiwedd eich oes Rhoi trefn ar bethau a meddwl am eich anghenion gofal 2 Meddwl am ddiwedd eich oes Pwy ydym ni Age Cymru yw’r elusen genedlaethol ar gyfer pobl hŷn yng Nghymru. Mae Age Cymru yn gweithio i ddatblygu a chyflawni newid cadarnhaol gyda phobl hŷn ac ar eu cyfer. Ein gweledigaeth yw Cymru sy’n ystyriol o oedran. Ein cenhadaeth yw gwneud bywyd yn

  6. Newsletter Winter Warmth CY 2020 web.pdf

    Rhifyn Cadw’n Gynnes yn y Gaeaf 2020 Age Matters Y cylchlythyr chwarterol gan Age Cymru Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar 2 Y cylchlythyr chwarterol gan Age Cymru Rhifyn Cadw’n Gynnes yn y Gaeaf 2020 Cadw’n ddiogel, cynnes a chysylltiedig y gaeaf hwn Victoria Lloyd, Prif Weithredwr, Rhagfyr 2020 Croeso i’n rhifyn arbennig o Age Matters,

  7. Later Life Planning Booklet FINAL WEL.pdf

    Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Gwasanaeth Cynllunio i’r Dyfodol • Ysgrifennu Ewyllys • Atwrneiaeth Arhosol (LPA) • Penderfyniad Ymlaen Llaw (Ewyllys Fyw) Age Cymru yw’r elusen genedlaethol ar gyfer pobl hŷn yng Nghymru. Rydym yn ymgyrchu, yn gwneud gwaith ymchwil ac yn codi arian er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr ein bod yn adeiladu bywyd gwell i bob person hŷn. Rydym yn sicrhau bod lleisiau pobl hŷn yn cael eu

  8. Later Life Planning Booklet FINAL ENG.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales Later Life Planning Service • Will Writing • Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) • Advance Decision (Living Will) Age Cymru is the national charity for older people in Wales. We campaign, we research and we fundraise to make sure we build a better life for all older people. We ensure older people’s voices are heard, we challenge and change attitudes and we fight

  9. CRS_Sept14_CMA_residential_property_management_services.pdf

    1 Consultation response to ‘Residential Property Management Services: An update paper on the market study’ Competition and Markets Authority Ref: 1914 Date: September 2014 Name: Joe Oldman

  10. CRS_Oct17_WP_Committee_Pension_Freedoms.pdf

    Submission to the Work and Pensions Committee Pension freedoms inquiry October 2017 Ref: 2217 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Christopher Brooks, Senior Policy Manager

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