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  1. CRS_June15_Creating_secondary_annuity_market.pdf

    advisers and Pension Wise. For example, the interaction with means tested benefits and state funding for care is potentially complex and unique to each individual’s circumstances. Pension specialists may well

  2. Spring 2022 Newsletter WELSH.pdf

    Older People” sydd ar gyfer arbenigwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol; a “Guidance on Understanding Your Care and Support Rights as an Older Person”. 5Y cylchlythyr chwarterol Age Cymru Rhifyn Gwanwyn 2022 Ariannu

  3. IL08.pdf

    make regular checks on the condition of the property while it’s unoccupied. You may have to get a new home insurance policy if the current one doesn’t cover an empty property. To stop postal deliveries to

  4. RB_Oct11_age_regulations_five_years_on.pdf

    variation, with it being more common to ask for this data in lower skilled and manual jobs, including caring. This is borne out by the CIPD/CMI research, which found that in 2010 64 per cent of employers did

  5. Autumn 2022 Newsletter WEL.pdf> neu ffoniwch 029 2043 1571. Creating an age friendly Wales Why are we waiting? Delays in care assessments in Wales August 2022 Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Pam rydyn ni’n aros? Oedi mewn gofal

  6. Friend In Need Resource Welsh.pdf

    chi’n casglu ei bresgripsiwn iddo. Am ragor o wybodaeth common-health-questions/caring-carersand-long-term-conditions/can-i-pick-up-aprescription-for-someone-else/ Dyma rai rhagofalon ... Cymru yn cynnal digwyddiad Care for a Cuppa bob dydd Mercher lle gall gofalwyr gyfarfod dros y we am goffi a sgwrs: Gweler: Yn ogystal

  7. Technology_Together_Evaluation_Jan-2015.pdf

    social media; through older people forums; and through referrals from other services, including day-care centres, befriending services and social services. The avenues used to recruit older people varied

  8. Covid Survey Report - Welsh.pdf

    Avoided accessing these services Did not need to access these services No issues Access to social care Access to dental services 200150100500 Covid hir Profedigaeth Gyrru Colli swydd Arian Problemau gofalu

  9. Profiadau pobl 50 oed neu hŷn yng Nghymru yn ystod cyfnod clo COVID-19 dros y gaeaf, a’r daith i adfer Canlyniadau’r Arolwg Mai 2021.pdf

    Avoided accessing these services Did not need to access these services No issues Access to social care Access to dental services 200150100500 Covid hir Profedigaeth Gyrru Colli swydd Arian Problemau gofalu

  10. Welsh Advocacy Newsletter Extra May 2020_.pdf

    unrhyw un ymuno - yr oll sydd angen i chi ei wneud yw gofyn i ymuno â thudalen Facebook 'Moving on At Home' PPF a chewch yr holl gyfarwyddiadau yno. Gwasanaeth Eiriolaeth Gogledd Cymru - Ellen Williams Mae

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