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  1. CRS_Dec11_Building_mutual_post_office.pdf

    consumers have a part to play in shaping the direction of the Post Office. There needs to be more work to understand the best way consumers can be involved. The consultation document notes that the Post ... communities about the future of the Post Office should also need to be part of the way the mutual would work. The list of consumers and producers listed in the consultation document seems appropriate. There

  2. CRS_May16_decc_warm_house_discount_scheme.pdf

    The charity was substantially involved in the design of the original scheme, which on the whole has worked well for older people. Our main concern is that with the strong encouragement for consumers to ... poverty. Looking to the scheme from 2017 onwards, there is a case for encouraging energy suppliers to work more imaginatively with partners, including local authorities and health authorities, and to adopt

  3. FS65.pdf

    Choosing an adviser 17 8 Sale and rent back schemes 18 Useful organisations 19 Age UK 21 Support our work 21 Age UK factsheet 65 February 2024 Equity release Page 4 of 22 1 What is equity release? Equity ... arrange for you to have at least one face to face meeting in person with a solicitor. The solicitor may work for the same firm, but should act independently. Firms providing or advising on equity release should

  4. Age Cymru Advice Statement of Service (1).pdf

    policies and will always advise you on what’s best for you. 3. All information is confidential. The work we do with you is confidential. This means all information we keep about you is stored securely and ... consultancy and training. How you can help us. Our advice line team gains satisfaction from their work and the positive impact they have on our clients. We don’t expect any further form of recognition

  5. Age Cymru Advice Statement of Service (1).pdf

    policies and will always advise you on what’s best for you. 3. All information is confidential. The work we do with you is confidential. This means all information we keep about you is stored securely and ... consultancy and training. How you can help us. Our advice line team gains satisfaction from their work and the positive impact they have on our clients. We do not expect any further form of recognition

  6. CRS_Jan12_rural_policy_functions.pdf

    Rural proofing Age UK believes the three initiatives set out above will provide a foundation for the work of the new unit. In particular, all policy from all levels of government that may have an impact on ... community broadband services). Social isolation The consultation document did not refer to the ongoing work of the CRC over the past year. One of the main projects was research into the social isolation experienced

  7. Age Cymru Advice Statement of Service (1).docx

    government policies and will always advise you on what’s best for you.All information is confidential. The work we do with you is confidential. This means all information we keep about you is stored securely and ... consultancy and training. How you can help us .Our advice line team gains satisfaction from their work and the positive impact they have on our clients. We don’t expect any further form of recognition

  8. FS71.pdf

    Tax, pitch fees and bills 12 11 Resolving disputes 13 Useful organisations 14 Age UK 17 Support our work 17 Age UK factsheet 71 February 2024 Park homes Page 3 of 18 1 Recent developments The Mobile Home ... essential or emergency works. This means repairs to the base on which your home is stationed, works or repairs needed to comply with any relevant legal requirements, and works or repairs following a natural

  9. IL4.pdf

    glossary on pages 21–23. Age UK offers computer and internet training for older people. Visit the ‘Work & learning’ section on our website to find information about our computer training courses, or ask ... have the choice if you want it to or not. It can save time to use this function, but it will only work on your own computer. If you use a password manager and you share your computer with someone else

  10. RB_Sept15_Cost_to_meet_the_unmet_social_care_needs.pdf

    needs, we considered all the activities of daily living (ADL) – a classification of routine, everyday self-care activities such as eating or washing, which are widely-used to measure either disability or social

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