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  1. Newsletter Summer 2021 - Welsh.pdf

    Cymru Rhifyn Haf 2021 Creu gweithleoedd lle all pobl hŷn ffynnu Drwy fenter cynhwysiant oedran Age at Work, mae Age Cymru a’r rhwydwaith busnes cyfrifol Business in the Community Cymru (BITC) yn gweithio gyda ... recriwtio, cadw ac ailhyfforddi unigolion hŷn yn hanfodol i fusnesau a’r economi ehangach.” Mae Age at Work yn cynorthwyo busnesau i adnabod a mynd i’r afael â bylchau yn eu dull o fod yn gyflogwr cyfeillgar

  2. CRS_Oct11_New_challenges_new_chances_IACL.pdf

    where this cannot be directly proven, and that further investigation should be undertaken. NIACE’s work in care homes has proven significant benefits from learning in terms of reduced use of medication ... to this end. Most people in later life do not participate in informal learning as a route back to work (although some do). Our survey identified that the primary interest is in progression on to other

  3. Spring 2022 Newsletter WELSH.pdf

    Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru wedi rhyddhau dau lyfryn ynghylch hawliau dynol pobl hŷn: “Making Rights Work For Older People” sydd ar gyfer arbenigwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol; a “Guidance on Understanding ... luniwyd yn ystod y chwe blynedd ddiwethaf. I weld yr arddangosfa, ewch i: www. 7Y cylchlythyr chwarterol Age Cymru Rhifyn Gwanwyn 2022 Gwiriadau ynni

  4. Walking_Football-Qualitative_Evaluation_Report.pdf

    existing delivery organisations “guy set up his own walking football group…opportunity for us to do some work with him to see if we can support his group, going forward as well, with a view to the fact you have

  5. CRS_Oct16_NEST_Evolving_for_the_future.pdf

    Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 About this consultation This Department for Work and Pensions consultation looks at the potential benefits and feasibility for the National Employment

  6. RB_Dec15_The_end_of_formal_social_care.pdf

    just the care home sector that is feeling the strain – 74% of domiciliary home-care providers who work with local councils have said “they will have to reduce the amount of publicly funded care they provide ... growth in spending limits % 100 20 30 Home Office Culture,Media and Sport Local government spending Work and Pensions Environment,Food and Rural Affairs Justice Energy and Climate Change Business, Innovation

  7. Winter_Warmth_Impact_Report.pdf

    Excess winter deaths and morbidity and the health risks associated with cold homes. x Department of Work and Pensions (2012) Income Related Benefits Estimates of Take-up in 2009/10. xi Maidment, C., Jones

  8. RB_June16_Age_UK_Excess_Winter_Deaths_Briefing.pdf

    in Cumbria. She has multiple health issues and her son has Asperger’s syndrome. Neither is able to work due to ill health. Lynne claims a number of benefits, including Disability Living Allowance, Housing

  9. CRS_Sept15_Care_of_the_dying_adult.pdf

    about dying patients was cited in the Neuberger review as a factor in poor care, meaning a change of work shift could undermine the quality of care someone is receiving. The guidelines should place specific

  10. CRS_Sept17_Ofgem_default_tariffs_for_domestic_customers.pdf

    5.9 million people each year, through webbased and written materials and individual enquiries. We work closely with Age UK Cymru, Age UK NI and Age UK Scotland. About this consultation In August 2017

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