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  1. Winter_Warmth_Impact_Report.pdf

    Excess winter deaths and morbidity and the health risks associated with cold homes. x Department of Work and Pensions (2012) Income Related Benefits Estimates of Take-up in 2009/10. xi Maidment, C., Jones

  2. Support groups and charities.pdf

    gyfeillgar Ymddiriedolaeth Terrence Higgins Elusen HIV ac iechyd rhywiol about-our-charity Sefydliadau’r cymunedau du, Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig BAWSO Sefydliad ledled

  3. BigStep_Fundraising_Pack.pdf

    Covid-19 has highlighted the issue of loneliness among older people, but many of the people Age Cymru works with were already lonely and many remain isolated and lonely even after lockdown. Through The Big

  4. Buses - a lifeline for older people.pdf

    to destinations. concerns about bus services and facilities with their local authority. Further work be undertaken to investigate the potential of linking the free bus travel scheme for older and disabled ... of the concerns of older people could be addressed if bus regulators were more responsive and their work was more closely integrated with that of the Welsh Government and local authorities / regional transport

  5. IG03.pdf

    services • HM Passport Office • the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) • the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) • HMRC for tax purposes • the Blue Badge scheme. You’ll need to return the driving ... means-tested benefits, such as Pension Credit, Housing Benefit or Universal Credit. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) can refuse an application from a close relative or friend if they consider that

  6. crs_nov17_wills_consultation_response.pdf

    around 7 million people each year, through web-based and written materials and individual enquiries. We work closely with Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland. Since April 2017, local Age UKs have received over ... assume that there will be no issues with their property after they die and that their family will work out what to do with their estate. There was some support for the view that people with a low value

  7. RB_Sept12_npi_Affordability_Of_Retirement_Housing_In_The_UK.pdf

    being left with a certain minimum residual income may not seem acceptable to those who felt they had worked and saved in order to have a standard of living that did more than allow them to just get by. The ... qualifying age before the couple is entitled to guarantee credit so pensioners will be treated as ‘working age’ if their partners are younger. 12 The MIS is

  8. RB_March12_Getting_out_and_about.pdf

    detailing the link between transport and social exclusion. It showed how access to key services, including work, learning and healthcare, had a direct impact on life chances at all ages and can reinforce social

  9. Newsletter Spring 2021 - CYM.pdf

    gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ar gael yn Gymraeg neu yn Saesneg gan Age Cymru: making-relationships-count/ neu ffoniwch 029 2043 1555. Canllaw i ofalwyr sy’n goruchwylio

  10. RB_Sept16_Attendance_Allownace_ survey_report.pdf

    the important role it plays. For example, qualitative research commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and published in 2010 looked at AA and Disability Living Allowance (DLA), and concluded: ... additional laundry being a particular concern due to incontinence. People may also need to pay others to do work in the house such as decorating and carrying out repairs, which previously they would have done themselves

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