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  1. Tell Me More Project Consent_ENG.docx

    have any que stions, please contact:Suzy Webster, Care Home Network Manager 1. I ag ree to take part in the Tell Me More project on Zoom ( or other virtual platform)2. I agree

  2. A4 WG Manifesto singleA4 english.pdf

    John Pathy, 13/14 Neptune Court Vanguard Way, Cardiff CF24 5PJ Tel: 029 2043 1555 Follow us on #loneliness Age Cymru is a registered

  3. RB_April17_Service_Evaluation--An_introductory_guide.pdf

    ------------------ Age UK (2017) Decision Tree – What Research Methods to Use, London, Age UK Age UK (2017) Top Tips – Designing & Developing Surveys, London, Age UK Age UK (2017) Guidance – Sample ... Sample Size Estimation for Qualitative Methods, Age UK Haynes, L., Service, O., Goldacre, B. and Torgerson, D. (2012) Test, Learn, Adapt: Developing Public Policy with Randomised Controlled Trials, London,

  4. Newsletter Winter Warmth CY 2020 web.pdf

    Rhifyn Cadw’n Gynnes yn y Gaeaf 2020 Age Matters Y cylchlythyr chwarterol gan Age Cymru Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar 2 Y cylchlythyr chwarterol ... ganddynt gysylltiad â gwasanaethau cymorth gofal. I gymryd rhan yn yr arolwg ewch i neu ffoniwch 029 2043 1555 am gopi papur o’r arolwg ac amlen ddychwelyd ragdaledig. 6

  5. Newsletter Autumn 2021 Welsh.pdf

    cylchlythyr chwarterol gan Age Cymru Rhifyn Hydref 2021 Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar 2 Y cylchlythyr chwarterol gan Age Cymru Rhifyn Hydref ... syniadau ar gyfer teithiau cerdded a thirnodau arbennig i gadw llygad amdanynt, ewch i 4 Y cylchlythyr chwarterol gan Age Cymru Rhifyn Hydref 2021 Angen gwirfoddolwyr sy’n gwirioni

  6. Project 360 grant programme application and delivery guidelines.pdf

    about any aspects of the delivery, please contact Heather Ferguson on or by calling 029 20431555 Separately, more technical guidelines on using the GIFTS system can be ... Cymru website. If you require assistance with the GIFTS system, please email The deadline for submitting your Request Form is Monday 1 April at 5pm. The system will not accept

  7. Sporting Memories Partner leaflet (002).pdf

    power of sport Taclo dementia, iselder ysbryd ac unigrwydd drwy chwaraeon Sporting Memories Wales will work with communities and organisations to promote the mental and physical ... gwasanaethau cysylltwch â'n Cydlynydd Prosiect: Nikki Foster 07515 916305 Facebook: @SportingMemoriesWales Twitter: @SMN_Wales Our outcomes: improved physical

  8. 20190724 Easy access to listed buildings - Age Cymru response.pdf

    Wales news (2016) 2 Age Cymru (2019) EnvisAGE: Keeping voice, choice and control in growing older

  9. RB_April17_Guidance--Socio-Demographic_Questions_to_Ask.pdf

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Age UK we are committed to ensuring that all our opportunities are accessible and inclusive of people from

  10. Self Assessment Form For Provideers Welsh.pdf

    wnaeth gynhyrchu offeryn hunanasesu tebyg ar gyfer eiriolaeth annibynnol - gweler: ... hunanasesiad Llenwch y ddogfen hon a’i dychwelyd i’r tîm GTAP trwy e-bost: Nid yw’r cwestiynau proffil yn gofyn i chi am eich enw a’ch manylion cyswllt, ond gallwch wneud

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