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  1. WASP Banking Protocol and Take 5 slides.pdf

    all 43 police forces in the UK. • The key aims of this partnership are: o To identify individuals who are tricked into going into their local branch to withdraw or transfer funds to fraudsters o Prevent ... Arrests made Case Studies VICTIM PROFILE: 80 year old man CASE: He received a call from an individual claiming to be from his bank (This individual was a fraudster). The Fraudster advised the man that they had

  2. CSR_May13_UNDESA_Call_for_input.pdf

    in lower- and middle-income countries through our partner and subsidiary charity Age International, who has contributed this submission. Introduction International human rights treaties do not recognise ... to be made and where protection must be reinforced and special measures taken so that older people can exercise their rights on an equal basis with others • Outline measures that States Parties must take

  3. 20190913 Age Cymru response to Public procurement in the foundational economy.pdf

    out as expected. But also, the market must support the state’s intention to ensure that all those who 1 Competition and Markets Authority, Care ... have them met. This requires that the industry is sustainable, so that efficient care home providers can continue to operate, and that the sector is positioned to invest to meet growing future needs. The

  4. CRS_Jan17_CMA_Market_Study_of_Care_Homes_Statement_of_Scope.pdf

    market. The CMA should also consider how the market works for older people who receive some local authority funding, but who have to pay extra ‘top ups’ to the care home.  As well as transparency of ... sufficient protection is in place for individuals if this happens.  We hope that this study by the CMA can look at how well different regulatory regimes and approaches fit together, and whether there are any

  5. Health services and the NHS policy statement - February 2019.pdf

    older people in the UK and more people are living longer, often with multiple chronic conditions which can be managed but not cured. The NHS was originally designed to treat episodes of acute illness and injury ... specialist attention”. On the other hand, when admission does occur, often as an emergency, there can be a tendency to seek out and treat every possible clinical condition – something which the older person

  6. Care homes

    you're considering moving into a care home or looking for the best residence for your loved one, this can feel like a daunting decision.  For more information call Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303 44 98

  7. Become a corporate partner

    By becoming a corporate partner of Age Cymru, together we can change older people's lives and bring lasting benefits to your company too. Why partner with us? Thousands of older people across Wales are ... older people. Working together in partnership, we can make a difference. Ways we can work together As a corporate partner, there are many ways we can work collaboratively to help you achieve your objectives

  8. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 5 E FINAL.pdf

    Practice (Part 10, Advocacy) states that: Advocacy helps people to understand how they can be involved, how they can contribute and take part and whenever possible, lead or direct the process.1 To have voice ... was 6412, an increase of over 900 from Advocacy Counts 4. • Looking ahead, the number of services who believe that their funding will remain the same or increase has dropped to 53% compared to 63% in Advocacy

  9. Dementia Friendly Programme - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    like to thank: Rebecca Barnham, Suzanne Huggett, Vinal K Karania and David Terrace of Age UK National who liaised with the research team throughout the project, and provided appropriate data and information ... information. The authors are also grateful to all those involved in the Dementia Friendly programme who generously gave their time to participate in the research, including the local Age UK partners and the Dementia

  10. RB_July15_Dementia Friendly Programme - Final Evaluation Report.pdf

    like to thank: Rebecca Barnham, Suzanne Huggett, Vinal K Karania and David Terrace of Age UK National who liaised with the research team throughout the project, and provided appropriate data and information ... information. The authors are also grateful to all those involved in the Dementia Friendly programme who generously gave their time to participate in the research, including the local Age UK partners and the Dementia

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