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  1. CRS_April15_FCA_Access_Scoping_Study_response.pdf

    conventional branches, including the use of new technologies and the post office network. Age UK is supportive of these alternatives where they exist and provide suitable services. However, our observation ... more senior adviser for a more detailed conversation. 11 made a formal response.15 Our response supported the remedies proposed by the FCA but suggested, in the light of the large cash savings balances

  2. RB_Sept14_Building_an_income_for_retirement.pdf

    for them to do so. Under current rules, the middle quintile loses significant amounts of welfare support as a result of increasing their private pension saving. This suggests that, in order to incentivise ... Higher private pension incomes have the potential to lead to a reduction in entitlement to state support outside of the STP. As expected all four scenarios deliver a net reduction in non-State Pension

  3. GCBH-The-Brain-Body-Connection-Report-Jul16.pdf

    they age, including aspects of memory, perception and judgment. The GCBH is convened by AARP with support from Age UK to offer the best possible advice about what older adults can do to maintain and improve ... physical activity can be challenging for many people to sustain, finding and promoting activities supported and facilitated within communities where individuals live is important to help them maintain such

  4. Age Cymru Domiciliary Care Report 2015 (w).pdf

    8 Drafft NICE i ymgynghori arno, Mawrth 2015: Home care: Delivering personal care and practical support to older people living in their own homes. 9 StatsCymru: ... 13 Adolygiad Cavendish (Gorffennaf 2013): An independent review into Healthcare Assistants and Support Workers in the NHS and social care settings: tud7 . Os rhywbeth, gall y risg fod hyd yn oed yn uwch

  5. RB_Dec13_Transitions_in_Older_Age.pdf

    transfers, or indirectly via measures to tackle health inequalities, improve education, and provide support to enable people to remain in work. In the short-term such individuals will be unlikely to improve ... information on ELSA can be found at Age UK provides information, advice and support on ageing in the UK, and campaigns to raise awareness of the situation faced by many older people

  6. IG53.pdf

    benefits such as Pension Credit, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction (also known as Council Tax Support). • State Pension is taxable, so when it’s added to your earnings it may put you into a higher

  7. RB_Sept16_After_the_Referendum.pdf

    abroad who may want to move back? Some citizens may wish to move back to UK because of a reduction in support or concerns about the possible impact. If so there are likely to be questions around their access

  8. Spring 2022 Newsletter WELSH.pdf

    sydd ar gyfer arbenigwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol; a “Guidance on Understanding Your Care and Support Rights as an Older Person”. 5Y cylchlythyr chwarterol Age Cymru Rhifyn Gwanwyn 2022 Ariannu blwyddyn

  9. Envisage 2017 W.pdf

    o wasanaethau Age UK; Understand / Deall – natur unigrwydd unigolyn a datblygu ymateb personol; Support / Cynorthwyo unigolion unig i ddod at bobl, gweithgareddau a gwasanaethau sy’n eu helpu i ailgysylltu ... Public giving 21% Grantiau gan ymddiriedolaethau / Grants from trusts 2% Cymorth gan fusnesau / Support from businesses 2% Y Loteri Genedlaethol / National Lottery 3% 26 Tabl 1: Cyfanswm cyllid y Trydydd

  10. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    Congress. Extending working lives - How to support older workers. London: TUC; 2021 5 Chandola T, Rouxel P. ... 7 Centre for Ageing Better, Timewise. Inclusivity through flexibility: How flexible working can support a thriving, age-inclusive workplace. London: Centre for Ageing Better; 2020 Sep. 8 Centre for Ageing

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