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  1. RB_Sept13_Age_UK_Digital_Inclusion_Evidence_Review.pdf

    (intended) • Sus-IT: Loughborough University • Participative research into older people in the digital world • University of London, Imperial College, evaluation of NHS Choices • Measurement of financial benefits ... of older people will not be using the internet. Go ON UK has ambitious plans to make the UK the world’s most digitally connected nation. Despite the fact that the UK has the largest number of internet

  2. CRS_June16_Ofcom_call_for_evidence_on_broadband_USO.pdf

    not excluded from essential private and public services. Our recent report Later Life in a Digital World gives examples where this is already occurring.2 We are also concerned about the need for further ... pdf 2 3

  3. RB_Nov15_Financial_Abuse_Evidence_Review.pdf

    November 2015 3 1 What is financial abuse? The most cited definition of financial abuse is from the World Health Organization (WHO): ‘The illegal or improper exploitation or use of funds or other resources ... across the world would have to cover the broad range of 1 – 5% which makes between 6 and 30 million people.14 There is not enough information here to give one-year prevalence for the world. The results

  4. RB_May15_Life_Offline.pdf

    people and ensure they have access to the services they need and want. Our increasingly digital world has arguably ‘left behind’ those in older generations who are not online. Almost 30% of people aged ... digitally excluded older people and uncover their feelings and expectations in an increasingly digital world. Age UK will use the research to inform their strategy for engaging with government and business

  5. RB_Jan15_Promising_approaches-loneliness_and_isolation.pdf

    ‘high tech’ world of data-matching, other areas have opted to work through human networks, in recognition of the fact that the majority of lonely individuals have some contact with the outside world.16 These ... there was a 4:1 return on investment. ‘It’s helping me to push myself to get back to contacting the world around me.’ Participant 22 Case study 6: Village and Community

  6. RB_Feb17_Statistical-methods.pdf

    was developed to measure quality of life in early old age group of 65-75 (Hyde et al. 2003), the World Health Organization’s (WHO) broader measure of quality of life - WHOQOL-OLD (Power et al. 2005), and ... University Press, available at World Health Organization (WHO). (2015) World Report on Ageing and Health. Geneva, Switzerland. Zaidi, A., K. Gasior, E. Zólyomi

  7. RB_April17_Statistical-methods.pdf

    was developed to measure quality of life in early old age group of 65-75 (Hyde et al. 2003), the World Health Organization’s (WHO) broader measure of quality of life - WHOQOL-OLD (Power et al. 2005), and ... University Press, available at World Health Organization (WHO). (2015) World Report on Ageing and Health. Geneva, Switzerland. Zaidi, A., K. Gasior, E. Zólyomi

  8. Technology_Together_Evaluation_Jan-2015.pdf

    and family, along with providing an accessible way to introduce them to the benefits of the digital world. It was also aimed at providing young people with the opportunity to engage with their community and ... and family, along with providing an accessible way to introduce them to the benefits of the digital worlds. It also aimed to provide young people the opportunity to engage with their community and develop

  9. Preserving what matters report v5.pdf

    neighbour. 5 Preserving language Language is the tool we use to understand and interact with the world around us. Language forms a central part of who we are as individuals, even if we don’t always notice ... and with that a greater sense of meaning. 13 Death Caf é Many care homes and hospices around the world have started using a Death Café as a practical approach to acknowledging death and discussing it openly

  10. RB_May14_CPA_Changing_family_structures.pdf

    o exceed  supply from 2017 onwards.    Source: Pickard et at (2009): Poster presentation at 19th World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris                                                              ... Policy on Ageing – Review May 2014      Source: Pickard et at (2009): Poster presentation at 19th World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris    14  Centre for Policy on Ageing – Review May 2014 

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