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  1. Policy Publications

    Age Cymru's Policy and Public Affairs team has produced a range of publications about the issues affecting older people in Wales.

  2. About Project 360°

    Project 360° is an innovative partnership project led by Age Cymru, working with Woody’s Lodge, and Age Alliance Wales members to support older military veterans across Wales.

  3. Dental services for older people

    As you get older it's even more important to take care of your teeth and gums. Find out more about dental care in our online guide.

  4. Managing your money in Winter

    worry more about money at this time of year. Get your home ready for winter It's cheaper and easier to heat your home if it's well insulated and your heating works properly. Draught proof doors and windows ... consider getting cavity-wall insulation Have your heating system serviced every year and check that it's working before the cold weather starts. If you rent your home, landlords have a legal duty to have all

  5. Personal Independence Payment

    you’re under State Pension age (and over 16) and need help with daily living activities or getting around, or both. If you’re awarded PIP before you’re of State Pension age, you’ll ... savings you have. If you've reached State Pension age and have care needs, you should claim Attendance Allowance instead. If you are unsure when you reach State Pension age, you can find out on the 

  6. Making hospital discharge safe

    hospital, but many do. For those that need help it’s important that you know what help you may need and where to get it. Knowing yours and your loved one’s rights helps you get help needed to aid recovery

  7. RB_Oct12_UC_and_couples_if_one_over_PC_age_Briefing.pdf

    one is over Pension Credit age October 2012 The Welfare Reform Act 2012 changes the way that couples are treated within the benefits system when one is over the qualifying age for Pension Credit and ... where one partner has reached Pension Credit age and the other is younger could receive £100 less a week under Universal Credit compared to the current system of Pension Credit if neither is in work. The

  8. CRS_Sept15_Gender_pay_gap.pdf

    consultation Closing the Gender Pay Gap on 14 July 2015. It seeks views on how to implement the Government’s manifesto commitment to require larger private and voluntary sector employers in Great Britain to publish ... information. It also seeks views on wider action to inspire girls and young women, modernise workplaces and support older working women. Age UK is pleased to have the opportunity to make a submission in response

  9. Ask me Presentation (Age Cymru) - slide deck.pdf

    abuse The Change That Lasts Ask Me project was developed in partnership between Women’s Aid Federation of England and Welsh Women’sAid. Funded by: In partnership with: The ask me scheme… …aims tobreak the silence ... act as gate openers or gate closers in terms of help seeking.” Finding the Cost of Freedom, 2014 What’s involved? Community ambassadors attend a free training course where they learn more about domestic abuse

  10. RB_June14_ppi_financial_resilience_of_recently_retired.pdf

    PPI PENSIONS POLICY INSTITUTE The financial resilience of the recently retired This report is a report for Age UK’s Financial Services Commission and was initially presented ... Contribution savings. For this reason the report does not take account of these proposed changes. PENSIONS POLICY INSTITUTE The financial resilience of the recently retired Summary 1 Who are

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