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  1. Dental services for older people

    As you get older it's even more important to take care of your teeth and gums. Find out more about dental care in our online guide.

  2. Safeguarding policy statement - June 2017.pdf

    Together to Safeguard People: Volume 4 – Adult Protection and Support Orders, Welsh Government, 2016 11 Welsh Government (updated 19 January 2017) Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act. http://gov ... 2015-1633 revealed that the reported number of completed referrals for adult protection increased by 11 per cent between 2014-15 and 2015-16, and 65 per cent of completed referrals were for people aged 65

  3. Buses - a lifeline for older people.pdf

    has also provided support to bus operators to run services by offsetting the duty paid on bus fuel. 11 states it will use this funding and other powers in the Local Transport Acts 2000 and 2008 to improve ... People in Wales 2013-2023 11 Welsh Government (2010) National Transport Plan. Available at:

  4. Friend in need

    Age Cymru launches a national campaign to recruit as many volunteers as possible to support the over 70s during these very challenging times. It will be launched on 1 June 2020 to coincide with the start of Volunteering Week.

  5. RB_Dec14_Dashboards_and_jam_jars_pension_pots_and_retirement_income.pdf

    which applies when the consumer cashes-in their pension or transfers out. Exit charges / MVR-free windows: There may be certain times when exit charges or MVRs will not apply. For example, an exit charge/MVR ... with-profits funds only offer MVR-free windows for a period before and after the selected retirement date. If the consumer does not transfer out during that window then they can be subject to MVRs in the

  6. RB_Feb16_Older_people_and_power_loss_floods_and_storms.pdf

    summary 04 Chapter 1 07 Older people and power loss, floods and storms Chapter 2 11 Older people’s experiences and opinions Chapter 3 23 Local Age UKs: what role do they play ... cut off in one night in the East of England during heavy winds. Around 7,000 homes were flooded and 11 people died. This winter’s flooding saw 4,000 York residents evacuated from their homes in a single

  7. RB_Feb16_Are_We_Ready_For_The_Next_Crisis.pdf

    summary 04 Chapter 1 07 Older people and power loss, floods and storms Chapter 2 11 Older people’s experiences and opinions Chapter 3 23 Local Age UKs: what role do they play ... cut off in one night in the East of England during heavy winds. Around 7,000 homes were flooded and 11 people died. This winter’s flooding saw 4,000 York residents evacuated from their homes in a single

  8. Scams and fraud

    Do you know how to avoid the latest scams targeting your money and personal data? With the help of our varied guides, we'll help you spot and avoid scams.

  9. Making a will

    If you want to be sure your wishes will be met after you die, then making a will is vital.

  10. Falls prevention

    Falls are the number one reason older people are taken to the emergency department in a hospital. Most falls don’t cause serious injury but they can leave you distressed. The good news is that there are lots of things you can do to stay steady on your feet.

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