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  1. Information and advice

    Age Cymru provides information and advice on a whole host of topics that you may need help with in later life. From money and health to care and housing advice, we provide support when you need it

  2. Listen and Connect

    Listen and Connect is a telephone listening service for older people who may be experiencing feelings of loneliness and isolation.

  3. Benefits and Entitlements

    Information and advice on all the benefits that you can claim, including pension credit, council tax reduction and carers allowance

  4. Walk and Talk Befriender

    Our Walk and Talk Befriender is a free service that aims to help older people who'd like to benefit from regular exercise but feel nervous going out by themselves. Our trained volunteers will walk with ... with you in your local area. We hope older people will enjoy going outdoors with us, especially if they have a long term health condition which is discouraging them from getting regular exercise. We'll

  5. Age Cymru - I and A Info Catalogue - English lang.pdf

    Free and really useful information and advice We are Age Cymru. Our network includes Age UK, Age NI, Age Scotland, Age International and more than 160 local partners. Age Cymru is part of the Age UK network ... network, which also includes Age NI and Age Scotland. There are also local Age Cymru partners across Wales. This information leaflet has been prepared by Age Cymru and Age UK and contains general information

  6. HOPE Project external evaluation tender notice June 2020.pdf

    participate and engage) Notice to submit a tender to undertake work to deliver an independent external evaluation of the HOPE Project SECTION I: CONTRACTING ORGANISATION I.1) NAME, ADDRESSES AND CONTACT ... CONTACT POINT(S): Contact: Louise Hughes, Head of Safeguarding and Advocacy Address: Age Cymru, St Andrew’s Park, Queen’s Lane, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 1XB Tel: 07931 904 734 Email:

  7. How to find the help you need at home

    range of help available and you may be legally entitled to services to meet your needs.  You may need help with personal care, such as getting in and out of bed, washing and bathing, preparing meals ... social services department is to ask for an assessment of your needs. The local authority will generally not be able to assist you until it has first carried out the assessment. The authority

  8. 2 Care home volunteer journey.pdf

    interest, it’s important to follow up and progress the application as soon as possible. Contact with an applicant should be made within five working days. This is the process and schedule we found most effective ... effective. If both parties plan in advance, the process can be completed within one month in order to mobilise the volunteer as soon as possible. Additional information Volunteer placement begins Volunteer

  9. Helping older people understand what support is available to carers

    Advice for carers - practical and emotional help when you're looking after someone. Produced jointly by Age UK and Age Cymru, the easy to read guide looks at both the practical and emotional sides of caring ... such as benefits, flexible working, sources of help and support as well how a caring role can affect a person's wellbeing and social life. The guide says it is important to recognise your role as a carer

  10. Glenys Thomas and Shirley Phillips

    class started by Age Cymru Pembrokeshire over six years ago I answered the call for LIFT volunteers and attended a four day course in Llanelli in October 2015 with three other members. As we were enjoying ... from the obvious physical, social and mental benefits, the cementing of old friendships and the creation of new ones is probably the main advantage. My confidence and feeling of self worth have been boosted

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