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  1. RB_Dec13_Transitions_in_Older_Age.pdf

    Prepared for: Age UK   NatCen Social Research | Changes to work and income around state pension age 1 Many people retire from paid work as they approach or reach state pension age. This pivotal event can ... years before and four years after SPA). SPA in this study is 60 for womenii and 65 for men. Figure 1 Single and couple households in work, before and after SPA 57 77 72 18 39 32 Single Couple Total Pre-SPA

  2. This is Older Image Library tender document .pdf

    1 Tender Notice This is Older Image Library SECTION I: CONTRACTING ORGANISATION I.1) NAME, ADDRESSES AND CONTACT POINT(S): Contact: Victoria Lloyd, Chief Executive Address: Age Cymru, Mariners ... library • A launch event which includes an exhibition of the images SECTION II: OBJECT OF THE CONTRACT II.1) DESCRIPTION II.1.1) Title: This is Older Image Library II.1.2) Type of contract: Fixed term contract

  3. HOPE Project external evaluation tender notice June 2020.pdf

    1 HOPE Project (Helping others participate and engage) Notice to submit a tender to undertake work to deliver an independent external evaluation of the HOPE Project SECTION I: CONTRACTING ORGANISATION ... ORGANISATION I.1) NAME, ADDRESSES AND CONTACT POINT(S): Contact: Louise Hughes, Head of Safeguarding and Advocacy Address: Age Cymru, St Andrew’s Park, Queen’s Lane, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 1XB Tel:

  4. Advocacy Counts 6 Full report Final ENGLISH.pdf

    A review of advocacy services for adults in Wales with a particular focus on older people Contents 1. Executive Summary 3 Findings since Advocacy Counts 5 4 Number of respondents and services 5 Advocacy ... Language 6 Safeguarding 7 Conclusion 7 2. Introduction 9 Methodology 9 3. GTAP progress to date 11 1. To develop a National Framework for Commissioning IPA 11 2. To support and build the capacity of the

  5. fftf extension project-Final Evaluation Report (July 2015) docx.pdf

    a conclusion drawing together the findings. 1 Hereafter the survey analysed for the main fit for the future survey will be referred to as the ‘original’ ... reach a target of at least 100 older people completing each of the two surveys. As can be seen in Table 1, these numbers were initially met, but dropped to less than 100 for the second survey. In total the

  6. RB_Mar2014_ fear_of_Crime.pdf

    poor self-reported health and low quality of life WHICH OLDER PEOPLE ARE MOST AFRAID OF CRIME? Figure 1 shows large variations in reported fear of crime: 49% of older people in South Africa felt unsafe alone ... richer people. Figure 2 shows that fear of crime among older people is also associated with frailty. Box 1. The WHO Survey of Global Ageing and Adult Health (SAGE) SAGE is a collection of nationally representative

  7. RB_Jan16_Predicting_the_prevalence_of_loneliness_at_older_ages.pdf

    1 Predicting the prevalence of loneliness at older ages Iparraguirre, J Predicting the prevalence of loneliness at older ages Professor José Iparraguirre, Chief Economist, Age UK ... lonely, with options 1= “Hardly ever or never”, 2= “Some of the time” and 3= “Often” (respondents are also asked whether they felt lonely much of the time during past week, with options 1=Yes, 2=No, which

  8. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Words_W.pdf

    wag a cheisio ysgrifennu cerdd yn gallu bod yn anodd. Mae’r ymarfer yma’n rhoi man cychwyn da i bobl. 1 Creating an age friendly Wales Geiriau Adar Mae adar yn gallu bod yn thema wych ar gyfer sesiwn creadigol ... eiriau, atgofion neu straeon ar bapur, eu hysgrifennu’n gerdd fer neu eu gwneud yn symudolyn siâp adar. 1 Creating an age friendly Wales Geiriau Stori wedi’i hysbrydoli gan gelf Un ffordd wych o gael

  9. Winter_Warmth_Impact_Report.pdf

    injuries.iii GP consultations for respiratory infections can increase by as much as 19 per cent for every 1°C drop in mean temperature below 5°C.iv Age UK has estimated that the cost of the cold to the NHS in ... whom heating vs. eating is still a reality in 21st century Britain.’ Age UK Coventry Interventions 1. Benefit entitlement checks to maximise older people’s income 2. Home energy checks to help older

  10. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Words_E.pdf

    blank page and trying to write a poem. This exercise gives people a good starting point to work from. 1 Creating an age friendly Wales Words Birds Birds can be a great theme for a creative session. Begin ... or stories can be displayed on paper, written into a short poem or made into a bird-shaped mobile. 1 Creating an age friendly Wales Words A story inspired by art A great way to get people thinking about

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