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  1. Age Cymru HOPE Project Benefits of Volunteering with HOPE A4 booklet + QPM WELSH.pdf

    wedi’i gofrestru yng Nghymru a Lloegr, rhif: 6837284. Swyddfa gofrestredig fel uchod. © Age Cymru 2021 Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn gwirfoddoli gyda ni, anfonwch e-bost i: neu

  2. Age Cymru HOPE Project Benefits of Volunteering with HOPE A4 boolet + QPM ENGLISH.pdf

    by guarantee and registered in England and Wales 6837284. Registered offi ce as above. © Age Cymru 2021 If you like what you’ve read and want to volunteer with us, please email

  3. Coivd-19 Survey_v2 WELSH.pdf

    swyddfa Llawr Gwaelod, Tŷ Mariners, Llys Trident, Heol East Moors, Caerdydd, CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2021 Cedwir eich manylion ar gronfa ddata ddiogel ac ni fyddwn yn rhannu’ch manylion ag unrhyw sefydliad

  4. Citizens Voice Body consultation response - Age Cymru March 2023 (1).pdf

    unable to find a more up to date statistic on car ownership of older people. Recent statistics from the 2021 national travel survey that are not broken down by age suggest that car ownership is decreasing slightly

  5. Transport policy statement - January 2022.pdf

    need to be available, with good connections and ease of 1 Welsh Government (2021) Llwybr Newydd. The Wales Transport Strategy 2021. ... Calculator ( 4 Welsh Government (2021) Age friendly Wales: our strategy for an ageing society

  6. Covid Survey Report - English final.pdf

    or over in Wales during the winter Covid-19 lockdown, and the road to recovery Survey Results May 2021 Contents Page 1. About this research 3 2. Accessing information about Covid 19 4 3. Positive experiences ... community as lockdown eases 23 2 Experiences of Covid Survey Results May 2021 Part One: About this research During March and April 2021 Age Cymru, Cymru Older People’s Alliance (COPA), Welsh Senate of Older

  7. HOPE WELSH Advocacy Newsletter March 2022.pdf

    Taflen wirfoddoli diweddaraf HOPE. Newyddion Eiriolaeth Eiriolaeth yn ystod arolwg Coronafeirws 2021 Ym mis Mehefin, cynhaliwyd arolwg o eiriolwyr i gasglu tystiolaeth am effaith y pandemig Coronafeirws ... hygyrchedd ac ansawdd yr eiriolaeth a gallu’r gwasanaethau ar-lein i ddarparu eiriolaeth. Gwnaeth arolwg 2021 geisio deal beth oedd wedi newid dros y flwyddyn hynny, yr heriau presennol, a beth wnaeth weithio’n

  8. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter March 2022.pdf

    the HOPE project Latest HOPE volunteer leaflet. Advocacy News Advocacy during Coronavirus survey 2021 In June 2020, a survey was carried out of advocates to gather evidence of the impact of the Coronavirus ... accessibility and quality of advocacy and on the ability of services to provide advocacy. The 2021 survey sought to understand what had changed over the intervening year, the present challenges and

  9. 20210907 Climate Change Environment Infrastructure Cttee - Age Cymru response (005).pdf

    priorities should be to focus on public transport as we’ve come out of lockdown. During March and April 2021, Age Cymru, Cymru Older People’s Alliance (COPA), Welsh Senate of Older People, Active Wales, National ... will be crowded’ (Female with additional caring responsibilities, 65-69, Caerphilly) 1 Age Cymru (2021) Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the winter Covid-19 lockdown, and the road

  10. Covid Survey Report - Welsh.pdf

    yng Nghymru yn ystod cyfnod clo COVID-19 dros y gaeaf, a’r daith i adfer Canlyniadau’r Arolwg Mai 2021 Cynnwys Page 1. Ynghylch y gwaith ymchwil hwn 3 2. Cael mynediad at wybodaeth ynghylch Covid 19 4 ... lacio 23 2 Profiadau o Covid Canlyniadau’r Arolwg Mai 2021 Rhan Un: Ynghylch y gwaith ymchwil hwn Yn ystod mis Mawrth a mis Ebrill 2021, cydweithiodd Age Cymru, Cynghrair Pobl Hŷn Cymru (COPA), Senedd

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