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  1. FS42w.pdf

    to buy 43 12.4 VAT relief (exemption) on disability equipment 44 12.5 Reduced VAT rate of 5% for mobility aids for people aged 60 or over 45 12.6 Problems with equipment you ... 1 Equipment to assist with walking Walking sticks, walking frames or other equipment to assist mobility may be provided following an assessment by a physiotherapist who will be able to recommend the most

  2. 20210917 Local Government and Housing Cttee - Age Cymru response (1).pdf

    wheelchairs and mobility scooters. Problems with dog fouling and litter were also highlighted. A lack of safe pavements can place serious restrictions on the freedom of movement and mobility of older people ... accessibility to public transport. Walking distances to bus stops was a barrier for people with limited mobility, and the absence of shelter and seating at some bus stops was also raised. Neighbourhood safety

  3. CRS_Nov17_DfT_accessibility_action_plan.pdf

    wheelchairs and mobility scooters. Response to actions and questions TRIP HAZARDS AND TACTILE SURFACES Action 1: We will commission a research project to scope the updating of the 'Inclusive Mobility' guidance ... surfaces that can affect certain groups of older people. We agree with the need to look at ‘inclusive mobility’ in broader terms, taking into account the obstacles faced by older people making the journey from

  4. What matters to you - Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales 2024.docx

    council⬛ Rentfromhousingassociation/social landlord⬛ Rentprivately⬛ Liveinshelteredhousing⬛ Live in a mobile home (a caravan, a trailerormotorhome,aprefabricated bungalow)⬛ Sharedownership/sharedequityloan⬛

  5. IG14.pdf

    avoid a fall. But moving more and staying active is actually the best thing you can do to stay as mobile and independent as possible. Moving more Being active can help you maintain your strength and flexibility ... might have been ill and lost some strength in your muscles. Maybe a health condition affects your mobility. Or perhaps you’ve simply got out of the habit, and you’re not sure what kind of activity or movement

  6. IG17.pdf

    and out of your house or flat can be tricky – especially if you have arthritis, stiff joints or mobility issues. But a few simple changes can help. • If you’re unsteady on your feet, or if you struggle ... lot harder – especially if your bedroom or toilet is on an upper floor. Even if you’re relatively mobile, going up and down the stairs several times a day adds up, and the impact on your joints and back

  7. WWU - English.pdf

    radio, torch and spare batteries handy in case severe weather causes a temporary power cut. Keep your mobile phone, laptop or tablet fully charged, so you can use the battery power if ever you’re without electricity ... to reduce the number of households in fuel poverty. Tel: 0808 808 22 44 (free from landlines or a mobile) NHS Direct Wales NHS 24-hour helpline for advice if you feel unwell. Call 0845

  8. Built Environment in Communities policy statement - December 2019.pdf

    pavements obstructed with parked cars, bins and street furniture restricted access for wheelchairs and mobility scooters  over 22% of respondents regarded public seating and places to rest in their community ... all. This includes making provision to meet the needs of people with sensory, memory, learning and mobility impairments, older people […]’.6 Planning Policy Wales aims to deliver the vision of Wales set

  9. 20210419 Care Home Visiting profile.pdf

    care home • Great experience for your CV, and work references if required 2 • Appreciation of mobility restrictions and how best to be able to support older people • understanding dementia and how it

  10. Care Home Visiting profile - English - amended Dec 2021.pdf

    care home • Great experience for your CV, and work references if required 2 • Appreciation of mobility restrictions and how best to be able to support older people • understanding dementia and how it

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