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  1. What benefits am I entitled to?

    Do you know what benefits you’re entitled to? You can check quickly and easily - with our online personalised benefits calculator.

  2. Age Awareness Training

    Age Cymru’s age awareness training will enhance the understanding and skills of your customer service staff, improving the quality of customer service provided to older customers, ensuring they feel valued and their needs are effectively met.

  3. Buy products

    Age Cymru is the national organisation for older people in Wales. Information on products offered by Age Cymru for the over 50s

  4. How we make a difference

    Find out more about how we and our local Age Cymru partners provide support to older people in Wales.

  5. Falls prevention

    Falls are the number one reason older people are taken to the emergency department in a hospital. Most falls don’t cause serious injury but they can leave you distressed. The good news is that there are lots of things you can do to stay steady on your feet.

  6. Hospital discharge arrangements for older people in Wales

    Leaving hospital

  7. Linking policy

    Criteria by which Age Cymru decides whether or not to link to an external organisation

  8. Scams and fraud

    Do you know how to avoid the latest scams targeting your money and personal data? With the help of our varied guides, we'll help you spot and avoid scams.

  9. Age Cymru Pembrokeshire

    If you live in the Pembrokeshire area, find out more information about how Age Cymru can help you.

  10. Making a will

    If you want to be sure your wishes will be met after you die, then making a will is vital.

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