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  1. Access to banking

    With the volume and rapidness of bank branch closures, Age Cymru is increasingly concerned about the detrimental impact that this is having on the ability of many older people to access their personal

  2. CRS_March14_Banking_Standards_Review.pdf

    Banking Standards Review: Consultation Paper February 2014 Ref: 0114 March 2014 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research ... Malenczuk Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9NA T 0800 169 80 80 F 020 3033 1000 E Age UK is a charitable company

  3. RB_April16_age_friendly_banking.pdf

    Age-friendly banking What it is and how you do it About Age UK Age UK is the country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We believe in a world where everyone can love ... 5 million people every year, providing support, companionship and advice for older people who need it most. The Age UK network includes Age UK, Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland and around 165 local

  4. Support us online

    There are lots of great ways you can raise vital funds for Age Cymru whilst shopping online, from Don't send us a card to easyfundraising.

  5. RB_April16_age_friendly_banking_infographic.pdf

    listening and clear talking. Avoid upselling. Give appropriate advice about scams and fraud. Focus on providing the solution sought by the customer. Branches, cards, machines, apps and processes designed ... and motor issues. New technology to be tested by older users to ensure user-friendliness. ATMs in bank branches, post offices, supermarkets and other safe non-street places. Ensure paper-based instruments

  6. 20190514 access to banking services in Wales.pdf

    Consultation Response Access to Banking Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee May 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales ... inquiry into access to banking. The current position regarding access to banking services in Wales, to include issues relating to financial inclusion and digital inclusion. Banks and older people Pensioners

  7. WASP Banking Protocol and Take 5 slides.pdf

    Banking Protocol Debra Linge - Lloyds Banking Group UK Finance Presentation Title 01 July 2017 BANKING PROTOCOL • The Banking Protocol was developed in response to a significant increase in vulnerable ... vulnerable adults becoming a victim of a scam or fraud. • The Banking Protocol is a partnership between UK financial institutions, law enforcement agencies and victim support and was rolled out in a phased approach

  8. What benefits am I entitled to?

    Do you know what benefits you’re entitled to? You can check quickly and easily - with our online personalised benefits calculator.

  9. Staying safe online

    positive aspects, but there are things you need to look out for. These include viruses which can damage your computer and online scams. Read our guide to staying safe online.

  10. Feeling lonely

    If you're feeling lonely, remember you're not alone. Feeling lonely doesn’t necessarily mean you have no one nearby. You can be surrounded by friends and family but still feel lonely.

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