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  1. CRS_May13_flexible_working_draft_CoP.pdf

    Consultation Response Draft Code of Practice on the extended right to request flexible working Ref: 1713 Date: 20 May 2013 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts ... London WC1H 9NA. In early 2013 the Government legislated to extend the right to request flexible working to all employees. This gave individuals a legal right to have a request seriously considered, and

  2. RB_Sept12_A_means_to_many_ends_older_workers'_experiences_of_flexible_working.pdf

    A means to many ends Older workers’ experiences of flexible working Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company ... Policy context 6 Recommendations 8 Executive summary 10 1 What is flexible working? 14 1.1 Trends in flexible working 15 1.2 Why older workers want flexibility 18 1.3 Using the right to request

  3. RB_Nov16_Report_state_pension_age_report_working_later_waiting_longer.pdf

    Working later, waiting longer The impact of rising State Pension age About Age UK Age UK is the country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. The Age UK network includes ... materials, and individual enquires by telephone, letter, email and local face-to-face sessions. We work closely with Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland. About this report Age UK believes that all current

  4. Our work

    Find out more information about the projects and services we run with and for older people in Wales

  5. Work for us

    Thanks for your interest in working for Age Cymru We have the following vacancies: Project Officer - North and Mid Wales Volunteering If you're interested in volunteering for Age Cymru, please visit our

  6. Age at Work

    Our Age at Work project aims to raise awareness of an ageing workforce and supporting businesses in Wales to be more age inclusive.

  7. Rights at work

    Information about your rights in the workplace, including statutory employment rights, working time hours, holidays and sick pay.

  8. Work & learning

    Read our work and learning information and advice which covers learning and development, getting back to work, internet and technology, redundancy and retirement.

  9. Ways we could work together

    Find out more about the ways your company and Age Cymru can work together

  10. RB_Nov16_Work_and_Health_Programme.pdf

    1 Helping 50+ jobseekers back to work: lessons for the Work and Health Programme 2 Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................... ... for the Work and Health Programme .............................. 22 Appendix A - Brief explanation of JSA and ESA ........................................................... 24 Appendix B – Work Programme

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